Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


Office hours during the holidays

Written by Jonathan Beyer, 2024-12-18. Permalink 

Over the holidays at the turn of the year we will be available for you via our ticket system and email (

We will be available for personal support in our offices and via telephone (0351 89670993) until (including) 2024-12-19 and from 2025-01-06 on.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Cookie Hour at Hochschulstraße 50 (IGH)

Written by Jonathan Beyer, 2024-12-18. Permalink 

On the occasion of our last office hours in 2024, there will be homemade cookies tomorrow in our office at Hochschulstraße 50 (IGH). We are available for questions and discussions between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Feel free to visit us :)

WiFi for devices without WPA2/WPA3 Enterprise

Alle Mitglieder
Written by Fiete Schulz, 2024-12-17. Permalink 

It's now possible to log in devices that don't support WPA2/WPA3 Enterprise via the WiFi called agdsn-mpsk. For this, the device needs to be activated by us. The best way to do this is to send an e-mail with the device's Wi-Fi MAC address to our Support or visit us in our office.

Mulled wine consultation for all members of AG DSN

All members
Written by Alexander Lindner, 2024-11-20. Permalink 

It's almost Christmas again! Unfortunately, there will be no traditional members' barbecue this year. But instead of a barbecue, there will be a mulled wine session.

What does that mean? There will be... - Mulled wine - Christmas candy - Waffles - a Christmas playlist

Where does it take place? At the AG DSN office at Wundtstraße 5.

When does it start? On 22.11.24 from 6 pm we will be serving up!

We look forward to seeing you, so come along!

Your Team Festivities of the AG DSN

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Markus Ziehe, 2024-11-19. Permalink 

On 2024-12-04 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place online.

We will vote on a budget for 2025, as well as an amendment to our articles of association, our team regulations and our contribution regulations.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

Reduced office hours on October 31st, 2024 (Reformation Day, regional holiday)

All dormitories
Written by Tim Pfeiffer, 2024-10-30. Permalink 

Due to lack of capacity and expected low demand, the office at Hochschulstraße 50 will stay closed on 31 October. The office at Wundtstraße 5 will be open for your requests as usual from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm and the support hotline will also be available at +49 351 89670993 during this time.

Otherwise you can also send us your requests at any time via e-mail at

Support hours during the move-in period

All dormitories
Written by Jonathan Beyer, 2024-09-25. Permalink 

In order to swiftly provide all new tenants of the dormitories with help regarding AG DSN membership and network connection, we open our doors next week as follows:

Monday, September 30th, 2024:

  • Office Hochschulstraße 50: 10AM-8PM
  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 10AM-8PM

Tuesday, October 1st, 2024:

  • Office Hochschulstraße 50: 10AM-7PM
  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 10AM-7PM

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024:

  • Office Hochschulstraße 50: 10AM-7PM
  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 10AM-7PM

Thursday, October 3rd, 2024:

  • Office Hochschulstraße 50: 7PM-8PM
  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 7PM-8PM

During these times, you can also reach us by phone (+49 351 89670993) or by mail (

Announcement of General Assembly

Alle Mitglieder
Written by Markus Ziehe, 2024-09-15. Permalink 

On 16.10.2024 at 7PM the next general assembly of the AG DSN will take place.

Topic of the meeting is the election of a new executive board.

Full details of the meeting, including the agenda, are available to members in the invitation.

Support hours during the move-in period

Alle Mitglieder
Written by Rouven Seifert, 2024-09-02. Permalink 

In order to swiftly provide all new tenants of the dormitories with help regarding AG DSN membership and network connection, we open our doors this week as follows:

Monday, September 2nd, 2024:

  • Office Hochschulstraße 50: 10AM-7PM
  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 9AM-4PM and 7PM-8PM

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024:

  • Office Hochschulstraße 50: 10AM-7PM
  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 4PM-7PM

During these times, you can also reach us by phone (+49 351 89670993) or by mail (

May at AG DSN

Alle Mitglieder
Written by Gregor Düster & Jonathan Beyer, 2024-06-17. Permalink 

Just like last month, we'll report a few interesting events that happened to us. In case you missed the last post, you can read it here:

On 7th of May, after a meeting of our "Team Network", people sat down to update the software of our old core router. As you hopefully haven't noticed, no problems occured. Thanks to the fact we've migrated our uplink to the new core routers on March 16th, this've been much more relaxed than it would have before.

Some technical details: the old core router consists of three physical devices, united to to a single logical one. Therefore it's name, "Ianus". Each of the three devices is a FlexFabric 5900 from HPE.

The new routers are a group of three Omniswitch 6900-V72 from Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, they remain seperated logically though.

We didn't only maintain our technical connections but also our social ones. For that purpose we held our "Jahresessen" (annual dinner) on 29th of May. Just like in past years, we've had vivid discussions with people doing research and teaching at TU Dresden, the Studentenwerk, the "Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen der TU Dresden (ZIH)" as well as with companies we are in contact with, e.g. for procurement of network hardware.

Last but not least, an addendum to last months post: as we received reports about issues with the WLAN coverage, we've installed one more wireless access point manufactured by Aruba in five levels of the International Guest House on the 24th of April.

And that's the end of this months post! You're in the mood organising our next Jahresessen or other events? Join our Team Festivities! Take a look at for the next meetings. Any questions left? Write an email to

Outage Borsbergstraße 34, Neuberinstraße 15

Borsbergstraße 34 Neuberinstraße 15
Written by Gregor Düster, 2024-06-05. Permalink 

On 2024-06-03 13:14:57 road work caused damage to the fibre optic cable to Borsbergstraße 34. Therefore, network access failed for Borsbergstraße 34 as well as Neuberinstraße 15. The latter is affected due to Borsbergstraße 34 being the sole provider for it's network.

In order to restore network access, a radio link between Wundtstraße 3 and Borsbergstraße 34 has been installed on Monday evening until the early hours of Tuesday. Due to a configuration mistake, access couldn't be recovered until late Tuesday evening.

Unfortunately, there is huge decrease in bandwidth paired with a strong increase in latency. We as well as the Studentenwerk are working intensively to reach an improvement of the situation.

Office hours canceled on May 9th (public holiday)

All members
Written by Jakob Müller, 2024-05-06. Permalink 

The office hours on May 9th, 2024 will be canceled due to the public holiday. There will also be no telephone support during this time.

If you have any problems, you can of course still use our contact form.

As we currently do not have enough volunteers, there are only limited office hours.
Do you want to change that? Then come along to a team meeting of the Office and Support Team (BuS) - or to one of the future office hours. (You don’t need a technical background to help other members…)

April at AG DSN

All members
Written by Gregor Düster, 2024-05-03. Permalink 

What does the AG DSN actually do? Below a few highlights from the past month April.

On April 7th, a few active members met at the NOC, our large office, for Tux sewing. Fabrics were bought the day before. The goal was to manufacture two penguins, a blue and a orange one.

🖼️ The meeting room in the NOC where the sewing took place

🖼️ The blue and the orange Tux on a couch in the NOC

Orange, that's the color of the student network „Selfnet“. On April 13th, it celebrated it's 25th anniversary, five active members of the AG DSN took part. During the event, the orange Tux found a new home.

🖼️ The orange Tux looking out of the train window on it's way to Stuttgart

Last but not least, a bit more technical topic: for internal communication, the AG DSN runs a Mattermost as well as a XMPP server, Prosŏdy. Starting from April 16th, a Coturn joined the Prosŏdy to provide STUN as well as TURN functionality. With these services in place, active members can now initiate audio and video calls via XMPP.

Not mentioned in this post are the numerous unspectecular tasks, being accomplished everyday: answering email tickets, providing support in person, bank imports and many more.

Want to contribute to the student network yourself? Visit us at one of our team meetings! In case you have questions, reach out to us via email to

WLAN at Partyraum Wundtstraße 7

Written by Emilio Leuoth, 2024-01-15. Permalink 

agdsn-WLAN is now available at Partyraum Wundtstraße 7.

Have fun partying, your AG DSN!

Office hours during the holidays

Written by Markus Helbig, 2023-12-13. Permalink 

Over the holidays at the turn of the year we will be available for you via our ticket system and email (

We will be available for personal support in our offices and via telephone (0351 89670993) until (including) 2023-12-18 and from 2023-01-04 on.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year!

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Markus Ziehe, 2023-11-29. Permalink 

On 2023-12-13 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place online.

We will vote on a budget for 2023.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

BBQ for members on October 19th

Office Wundtstraße 5
Written by Alexander Lindner, 2023-10-17. Permalink 

You have any questions regarding your network connection or you want to get to know the persons who take care of the network in your dormitory?

We, the AG DSN, invite you to our yearly BBQ for our members. With this we want to thank all our members for your understanding when there is maintenance work that needs to be done.

Where: Office Wundtstraße 5 When: October 19th starting 6PM
The food is free for all of our members (there are also vegetarian/vegan options). For a better overview of how many members are participating please sign in here.

Schnupper- & Pizza-Sitzung am 24. Oktober

Network Operations Center
Written by Jakob Müller, 2023-10-14. Permalink 

Das Team Network lädt am 24. Oktober um 18 Uhr zu einer Schnuppersitzung in unserem Network Operations Center (NOC, Räcknitzhöhe 35) ein.

Wir bestellen Pizza für alle und geben euch einen Einblick in die Technik und den Alltag der AG DSN. Im Anschluss gibt es eine Technikführung durch unsere Netzwerk- und Serverräume in der Wundtstraße.

Für kühle Getränke ist ebenfalls gesorgt.

Wenn du teilnehmen möchtest, würden wir uns freuen wenn du dich kurz hier einträgst, damit wir die Teilnehmerzahl ungefähr abschätzen können.

Du kannst an dem Termin nicht oder möchtest schon vorher vorbeikommen? Wirf gerne einen Blick in unseren Sitzungskalender. Wir freuen uns immer über neue Gäste.

Support hours during the move-in period

All dormitories
Written by Markus Helbig, 2023-10-02. Permalink 

In order to swiftly provide all new tenants of the dormitories with help regarding AG DSN membership and network connection, we open our doors this week as follows:

Monday, October 2nd, 2023:

  • Office Hochschulstraße 50: 7PM-8PM
  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 6PM-8PM

Wednesday, October 4th, 2023:

  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 4PM-7PM

Thursday, October 5th, 2023:

  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 3PM-8PM

During these times, you can also reach us by phone (+49 351 89670993) or by mail (

Change of our wifi access data

WiFi Internationales Gästehaus
Written by Markus Ziehe, 2023-09-16. Permalink 

The required configuration for our WiFi's "agdsn" as well as "IGH" must be adjusted until November 13, 2023.

Important: This does not affect the WiFi that your router emits! It only affects "agdsn" and "IGH".

In order to use our WiFi without interruption, you should take action now by changing the following entries in your WiFi configuration:

  • The Anonymous identity is now "". Other entries are not permitted and will not work.
  • If CA certificate has been set, it must either be configured to use the system certificates (depending on the operating system, this option may be called "Use system certificates") or a new certificate must be downloaded and selected.

Starting from November 13, 2023, other configurations will no longer work and will result in the WiFi being no longer usable until the configuration has been adjusted.

You can find more information about the setup of our WiFi including an installation wizard on the corresponding information page.

Announcement of General Assembly

Alle Mitglieder
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2023-09-04. Permalink 

On 19.09.2023 at 7PM the next general assembly of the AG DSN will take place.

Topics of the meeting are the election of a new executive board, the resolution of an updated budget plan, as well as changes of our constitution and team rules.

Full details of the meeting, including the agenda, are available to members in the invitation.

Cancellation of tomorrows's office hour

All members
Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2023-08-30. Permalink 

Sadly, the office hour (2023-08-31) will be cancelled.

If you experience any problems, our ticket system and our email support at are of course still available.

Since we are currently short on volunteers, only limited office hours are held.
You want to change that? Then come to a team meeting of the team Office & Support (BuS) – or to one of the future office hours. (You do not need a technical background to help other members …)

Area-wide WiFi at Budapester Straße 22 and 24

Budapester Straße 22 Budapester Straße 24
Written by Markus Ziehe, 2023-08-10. Permalink 

Since August 4, WiFi is area-wide available for our members in the dormitories Budapester Straße 22 and 24.

After the installation on July 29 and 30, the configuration of the installed devices has now been completed. This enables the use of our network in the whole building without having to buy your own router!

You can find out about how to set up our WiFi on our info page.

You are interested in technology and can imagine to participate in such actions yourself? The student network was created by students like you and is managed and expanded by them on a voluntary basis. You don't have to study computer science or something similar to join. You can find more information on our info page.

Waffles at the Summer Festival on 21. June 2023

Written by Jonas Gaffke, 2023-06-20. Permalink 

On June 21st, at the Summer Festival in Wundtstraße, starting at 2 pm, we will be serving waffles for our members. Feel free to drop by and get to know your student administrators. There will also be small technology tours available.

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2023-06-10. Permalink 

On 2026-06-28 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place online via BigBlueButton.

We will update our budget plan for 2023.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

Cancellation of today's office hour (Christi Himmelfahrt)

All members
Written by Eric Reichelt, 2023-05-18. Permalink 

Sadly, today's office hour (2023-05-18) will be cancelled in. We appologize for this last-minute announcement.

If you experience any problems, our ticket system and our email support at are of course still available.

Since we are currently short on volunteers, only limited office hours are held.
You want to change that? Then come to a team meeting of the team Office & Support (BuS) – or to one of the future office hours. (You do not need a technical background to help other members …)

Cancellation of today's office hour (Easter Monday)

All members
Written by Vincent Knyrim, 2023-04-10. Permalink 

Sadly, today's office hour (2023-04-10) will be cancelled. The support hotline will not be available as well. We appologize for this last-minute announcement.

If you experience any problems, our ticket system and our email support at are of course still available.

Since we are currently short on volunteers, only limited office hours are held.
You want to change that? Then come to a team meeting of the team Office & Support (BuS) – or to one of the future office hours. (You do not need a technical background to help other members …)

Waffles on 03. April

Written by Jonas Gaffke, 2023-03-01. Permalink 

For the move-in day on 03.04. (10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) there will be waffles as well as internet in our office at Wundtstraße 5. Even if you have already registered online, you are welcome to come by. For those interested, there are also technical tours of our technical rooms.

Office hours during the holidays

Written by Markus Helbig, 2022-12-18. Permalink 

Over the holidays at the turn of the year we will be available for in-person and telephone support (0351 89670993) as follows:

  • until (including) 2022-12-19 during the regular times
  • on 2022-12-22 7-8PM at Hochschulstraße 50 and by telephone
  • on 2023-01-02 7-8PM at Hochschulstraße 50 and by telephone
  • on 2023-01-05 7-8PM at Hochschulstraße 50 and by telephone
  • from 2023-01-09 on during the regular times

If you experience any problems, our ticket system and our email support at are of course still available.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year!

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2022-12-04. Permalink 

On 2022-12-21 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place online.

We will vote on a supplemental budget for 2022 and a budget for 2023. Furthermore, an information security team is to be established and the team description of Team Festivities is to be changed.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

Reopening of the office at Wundtstraße 5 and waffles on October 1

Alle Mitglieder
Written by Jonas Gaffke, 2022-09-29. Permalink 

Starting today, every Thursday our office in Wundtstraße is open again from 19:00 to 20:00. You can still visit the office in the Hochschulstraße on Mondays from 19:00 to 20:00. More information about the support can be found here.

Furthermore there will be waffles and internet at the office at Wundtstraße 5 and Hochschulstraße 50 from 10 am to 5 pm on October 1st.

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2022-09-11. Permalink 

On 2022-09-28 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place at GER/37/H.

We will elect a new Executive Board and change our teams constitution.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

Office hours during the lecture-free period, September 1st and October 1st.

All members
Written by Jonas Gaffke, 2022-08-17. Permalink 

During the lecture-free period until the end of September the office in Wundtstraße 5 will be closed. The other office at Hochschulstraße 50 will remain open (Mondays 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.).

Phone consultation hours will remain on Mondays and Thursdays (also 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.).

On September 1st for move-in day, the office at Wundtraße 5 will be open from 10am to 5pm.

On September 2nd, the office at Wundtraße 5 will be open from 1pm to 5pm.

On October 1st for move-in day, the office at Wundtraße 5 and Hochschulstraße 50 will be open from 10am to 5pm.


Written by Executive Board, 2022-07-27. Permalink 

Today we heared with dismay about the death of our honorary member Eberhard Mittag. With his passing, we lose far too early a long-time pioneer of the Dresden Student Network and a central driver in the expansion of the network in Dresdens student residences. For many years, Eberhard Mittag, as an IT contributor of the Studentenwerk, was committed to a close and cooperative collaboration with the AG DSN. He thus enabled a continuity in our work that would not have been possible without his foresight, his extraordinary support and, last but not least, his impressive networking.

Even after his retirement, he always remained loyal to the AG DSN through his commitment, as a supporter and also as a welcome guest. We will miss him all the more with his manifold ideas and his humor.

Our deepest sympathy goes to his family and relatives.

On behalf of the entire AG DSN, the board of the AG DSN

Upgrade Uplink

Written by Julian Fölsch, Marcel Beyer, 2022-03-26. Permalink 

Thanks to recent upgrades made by the ZIH, our uplink was upgraded to two redundant 10 Gigabit connections. This is 200x faster than the common household DSL connection. Until now, we were connected with 10 Gigabit and 4 Gigabit backup to the network of TU Dresden. Thanks to this upgrade, a good connection to the university network and the internet is secured for the future, the old 10 Gigabit connections load regularly was up to 80%

We would like to thank the ZIH for providing the connection to the university network and the good cooperation.

Reopening of Office Wu5

Written by Gerrit Hinz, Jonas Gaffke, 2022-01-19. Permalink 

We will start with our office hour again by opening the office Wundtstraße 5 starting from the 20th of January. The office will be staffed on Thursdays only. The offices Hochschulstraße 50 and Borsbergstraße 34 will remain cloded until further notice.

If you experience any problems, our ticket system and our email support at are of course still available. To compensate the cancelled office hours we've set up a support hotline (0351 89670993). We try to be reachable at the best possible rate on Mondays and Thursdays 7-8pm.

Office hours during the holidays

Written by Gerrit Hinz, Jonas Gaffke, 2021-12-12. Permalink 

There will be no office hours during the holidays starting from December 16th and presumably until the 10th of January. Please check our website as depending on the current situation we might need to suspend the office hours further.

If you experience any problems, our ticket system and our email support at are of course still available. To compensate the cancelled office hours we've set up a support hotline (0351 89670993). We try to be reachable at the best possible rate during the times of our office hours (Monday and Thursday, 7pm to 8pm).

On the followings days there will be no phone support:

  • December 27th 2021
  • January 3rd 2022

We wish you a merry Christmas, a happy new Year and stay healthy!

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2021-11-17. Permalink 

On 2021-12-08 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place at our BigBlueButton.

We will plan our budget for 2022 and do some small adjustments on our constitution.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

Integration of the dormitory Fritz-Löffler-Straße 12 in the AG DSN network

Fritz-Löffler-Straße 12
Written by Jakob Müller, 2021-10-02. Permalink 

In October, the dormitory Fritz-Löffler-Straße 12 will be integrated into the network of AG DSN. We welcome all residents and hope that we can further improve the quality of the network.

Those who have already had network access through the Studentenwerk in the past will continue to receive it free of charge. New tenants must become a member to receive network access.

During October, the installed floor switches will be replaced on all floors, as well as the network sockets. This should enable Gigabit access for all rooms. The conversion is always done floor by floor (per entrance).

For the conversion, the cables in the room (between network socket and end device) must also be replaced. Further details will follow. In addition, all end devices must be reconfigured so that the IP address is obtained automatically via DHCP and is no longer statically configured. This can be changed over as early as October 1 and must be done at the latest after the network socket has been replaced.

Experience has shown that minor problems occur when migrating approximately 500 residents to the AG DSN system. If your connection does not work as expected, contact our support team. We will be happy to help you!

Office hours at the beginning of October

All Dormitories
Written by Jakob Müller, 2021-10-01. Permalink 

To help with the registration of all the new people arriving for the new semester, our offices at

  • Wundtstraße 5 (from 10am to 5pm)
  • Hochschulstraße 50 (from 10am to 5pm)

will be open on Friday (2021-10-01).

Also, our office at Wundtstraße 5 will be open additional days/times as follows:

  • Monday, October 4 from 18:00 to 20:00.
  • Tuesday, October 5 from 13:00 to 18:00.

We also offer freshly baked waffles for free in our offices.

During the office hours, you can also call us at +49 351 89670993 or send an email to __ __.

But not only new members are welcome, we are always looking for new volunteers. If you would like to see and learn how a network for over 4000 users is run, have a look!

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Willi Meißner, 2021-09-09. Permalink 

On 2021-09-29 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place at POT/13/H.

We will elect a new Executive Board and change our budget for 2021.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

Open day at September 1st

All Dormitories
Written by Jakob Müller, 2021-08-31. Permalink 

To help with the registration of all the new people arriving for the new semester, our office at

  • Wundtstraße 5

will be open from 10am to 5pm on Wednesday (2021-09-01).

Presumably, we can also offer freshly baked waffles (for free).

During the office hours, you can also call us at +49 351 89670993 or send an email to __ __.

But not only new members are welcome, we are always looking for new volunteers. If you would like to see and learn how a network for over 4000 users is run, have a look!

New Network Constitution

All members
Written by Willi Meißner, 2021-06-30. Permalink 

In today's General Assembly, a new network constitution was adopted.

Practically, not much changes for our members. Above all, the previously implemented practice was formulated in summary.

The network rules can be found like all rules under Legal Aspects on our website.

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Willi Meißner, 2021-06-16. Permalink 

On 2021-06-30 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place online at our BigBlueButton Server.

There we will discuss our new network constitution and corresponding amendments to our constitution.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

Office hours summer 2021

All dormitories
Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2021-06-07. Permalink 

We can now open our offices again.

During the summer, our office hours will be as follows:
The office Hochschulstraße 50 will be open on Mondays and Thursdays from 7pm to 8pm.
The office Wundtstraße will be open on Thursdays only also from 7pm to 8pm.
Please make sure to wear a mouth-nose-covering due to the current situation.
The office at Borsbergstraße 34 is currently closed.
You can still contact us via e-mail at any time. Our hotline +49 351 89670993 will be available at least on Mondays and Thursdays from 7pm to 8pm.
If some of our volunteers are in office during other times, please feel free to approach us in case of problems.

Integration of the St.-Petersburger-Straße dormitories into the AG DSN network

Written by Jakob Müller, 2021-04-11. Permalink 

On Saturday (2021-04-10) the dormitories St.-Petersburger-Straße 21/25/29 were fully integrated into the network of the AG DSN. We warmly welcome all residents and hope that we could further improve the quality of the network.

Those who have already had network access through the Studentenwerk in the past will continue to receive it free of charge. New tenants must become a member to get network access.

Experience has shown that minor problems occur when migrating approximately 500 residents to our system. If your connection does not work as expected, please contact our support team. We will be happy to help you!

Results of our general assembly

All members
Written by Willi Meißner, 2021-02-10. Permalink 

As announced our general assembly took place on 2020-12-02.

The following results were decided:

  • The supplementary budget for 2020 and the budget for 2021 were discussed and approved.
  • The description of Team Festivities was adjusted. Therefore the team can plan more events.

The complete minutes can be found here (login required), but unfortunately only in German.

Office hours during the holidays and lockdown

Written by Gerrit Hinz, Markus Helbig, 2020-12-09. Permalink 

There will be no office hours during the holidays starting from december 10th. The next one will be on the 11th of January or after a hard lockdown ends.

If you experience any problems, our ticket system and our email support at are of course still available. To compensate the cancelled office hours we've set up a support hotline (0351 89670993). We try to be reachable at the best possible rate during the times of our office hours (Monday and Thursday, 7pm to 8pm).

We wish you a merry Christmas, a happy new Year and stay healthy!

Update: On December 24th, we won't be able to offer hotline support.

Update: Our offices will remain closed until further notice. We're available via mail and telephone.

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Willi Meißner, 2020-12-02. Permalink 

On 2020-12-02 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place online at our BigBlueButton Server.

There we will discuss the budgets for 2020 and 2021.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

Downtime Wundtstraße 7/11

Wundtstraße 7 Wundtstraße 11
Written by Lucas Hecht, 2020-10-30. Permalink 

On Saturday, the 2020-10-31, we will upgrade the buildings Wundtstraße 7 and 11 to our new network hardware starting at 10am. In that time, there will be an interruption of the internet connection. The outage may last till sunday.

Downtime and network upgrade

Wundtstraße 5
Written by Hendrik Wolff, 2020-10-22. Permalink 

On Sunday, the 2020-10-25, we will upgrade Wundtstraße 5 to our new network hardware starting at 10am. In that time, there will be an interruption of the internet connection.

Office hours winter semester 2020/2021

All dormitories
Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2020-10-14. Permalink 

During the winter semester, our office hours will be as follows:
The office Hochschulstraße 50 will be open on Mondays only from 7pm to 8pm.
The office Wundtstraße will be open on Thursdays only also from 7pm to 8pm.
Please make sure to wear a mouth-nose-covering due to the current situation.
The office at Borsbergstraße 34 is currently closed.
You can still contact us via e-mail at any time. Our hotline +49 351 89670993 will be available at least on Mondays and Thursdays from 7pm to 8pm.
If some of our volunteers are in office during other times, please feel free to approach us in case of problems.

Downtime and network upgrade

Gret-Palucca-Straße 11
Written by Tobias Kadenbach, 2020-09-30. Permalink 

On Sunday, the 2020-10-04, we will upgrade Gret-Palucca-Strasse 11 to our new network hardware starting at 10am. In that time, there will be an interruption of the Internet connection.

Open day on 2020-10-01

All students houses
Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2020-09-30. Permalink 

To help with the registration of all the new people arriving for the new semester, our offices at

  • Wundtstraße 5
  • Hochschulstraße 50

will be open from 10am to 8pm on Thursday (2020-10-01).

Our office at Borsbergstraße 34 will be open from 3 pm to 7 pm.

Please wear a mouth-nose-covering when visiting our offices.

If you want to socally distance yourself, you can call us at +49 351 89670993 or send an email to __ __

But not only new members are welcome, we are always looking for new volunteers. If you would like to see and learn how a network for over 3000 users is run, have a look!

Core Router Relocation

Reichenbachstraße All dormitories
Written by Hendrik Wolff, 2020-09-18. Permalink 

On Sunday, September 20, we will move a core router to another data rack starting at 11 am. The uplink to Reichenbachstraße will be unavailable during that time. There may also be interruptions at other locations. We try to avoid these as far as possible.

Results of our general assembly

All members
Written by Willi Meißner, 2020-09-06. Permalink 

As announced our general assembly took place on 2020-07-15.

The following results were decided:

  • The new executive board was elected and the old one exonerated.
  • The supplementary budget for 2020 were discussed and approved.

The complete minutes can be found here (login required), but unfortunately only in German.

Office hour on 2020-09-01

All members
Written by Tobias Kadenbach, 2020-09-01. Permalink 

The office in Wundtstraße 5 and the office in Hochschulstraße 50 are open today out of scheduled, probably until 7 pm. When you come along, please remember to keep sufficient distance and to wear a mouth-nose-covering if you get in contact with other people.

Online registration

All non-members
Written by Jakob Müller, 2020-09-01. Permalink 

From Sep 1st on, we're offering a preliminary version of our online registration for new members which allows you to get rid of the nasty paperwork and to access our network even faster. In case you're experiencing problems during the registration process, we would be glad if you sent us an e-mail.

Of course, you may still feel free to hand in the analogue application forms instead. Please post your complete and signed application into our mailboxes at Hochschulstraße 50 or Wundtstraße 5.

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Willi Meißner, 2020-07-01. Permalink 

On 2020-07-15 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place at POT/81/H.

We will elect a new Executive Board and change our budget for 2020.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

Update 2020-07-09: changed room

Wartung Neuberinstraße

Written by Marcel Beyer, 2020-06-08. Permalink 

Due to a power interruption of the radio link, there will be an interruption of the network connection in Neuberinstrasse on 8 June between 1 and 4 pm.

New support hotline

Written by Markus Helbig, 2020-06-04. Permalink 

We are glad to announce that we can offer a new support hotline (at 0351 89670993) to you. Because of some technical difficulties when changing our phone operator we unfortunately needed to switch to this new number. We are trying to be contactable by phone at least on Mondays and Thursdays 7-8pm. In the contact box on our website, there will be a hint (green bullet) if the number is additionally reachable during other times. We are sorry for not being able to offer personal support for such a long time.

Outside of our support hours, you can of course leave us a ticket.

MTU adjustments Reichenbachstraße

Written by Jakob Müller, 2020-05-03. Permalink 

Due to construction work, the fiber optic connection to Reichenbachstraße is currently not available.

If there are problems using some internet services, the MTU must be set to 1420 bytes in the router/computer. The exact procedure for this can be found in the manual of the corresponding device.

Downtime Reichenbachstraße

Written by Marcel Beyer, 2020-04-16. Permalink 

On 2020-04-16 the uplink of Reichenbachstraße has to be changed to an alternative uplink due to longer construction works. This will cause outages from 6pm on. We try to keep the outage short as possible.

No office hours until further notice

All dormitories
Written by Tobias Kadenbach, 2020-03-12. Permalink 

All of our offices will remain closed until further notice, but mail support will continue to take place.

On the March 12th the Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion published a warning stating that "if there are events with fewer than a thousand participants, it needs to to be checked carefully whether these must take place." Based on this recommendation and the decision of the TU Dresden to postpone the start of lectures to April 27, 2020, we have decided to cancel all office hours at least by April 27, 2020 as a precautionary measure for our voluntary active and our passive members.

If you experience any problems, our ticket system and our email support at are of course still available. To compensate the cancelled office hours we've set up a support hotline (0351 21715530). We try to be reachable at the best possible rate during the times of our office hours (Monday and Thursday, 7pm to 8pm).

If you want to become a member, you can deposit the documents in our mailboxes. You can find these at Hochschulstraße 50, Wundtstraße 5 and Borsbergstraße 34. Please note that these must be complete (including all checkboxes, signatures, and the data protection declaration (on the back)) and legible, and that the processing of applications can take up to a week. Please don't forget to label your letterbox with your name so that we are able to deliver your copy of the application.

We wish all our members the best of health and hope to see you again during our office hours soon.

Downtime FL16

Fritz-Löffler-Straße 16
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2020-03-05. Permalink 

On the 2020-03-05 there will be done construction workings on the fibre infrastructure by the Studentenwerk from 8am to 4pm. This will affect the uplink of FL16. Please expect downtimes of our network at FL16 during this time.

Alterations Güntzstraße

Gützstraße 22
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2020-03-04. Permalink 

On the 4th and 5th of march there will be a relocation of a rack at Güntzstraße. This will lead to downtimes in section B of the building.

Office hours semester break winter 2020

All dormitories
Written by Tobias Kadenbach, 2020-02-22. Permalink 

From 2020-03-01 until 2020-04-01, the office hours will change as follows:
The offices at Hochschulstraße and Borsbergstraße will be open at the usual times on Mondays only.
The office at Wundtstraße will be open at the usual time on Thursdays only.

You can still contact us via e-mail anytime. The offices might be open at other times, too, but there is no guarantee.

AG DSN wishes its members and all students a relaxing semester break.

Downtime and network upgrade

Zellescher Weg
Written by Tobias Kadenbach, 2020-01-21. Permalink 

This weekend we will update our network in Zellescher Weg to our new hardware platform. Please expect a downtime on Saturday and Sunday. If you are interested in our work, you can come along in our office in Wundtstraße 5 and take a look.

Update: We finished our work, all connections should be up and running again.

Shutdown of Steam HTTP cache

All members
Written by Richard Mörbitz, 2020-01-18. Permalink 

We just shut down our HTTP cache. Since this service was only available for Steam and only a few members used it, there will be little to now impact on our network. The shutdown enables us to take measures to increase the reliability of other services.

Outages in dormitories with new hardware platform

Gret-Palucca-Str. 9 Güntzstraße Marschnerstraße Reichenbachstraße Gutzkowstraße
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2020-01-14. Permalink 

Recently, there have been repeated outages in the dormitories Gret-Palucca-Str. 9, Güntzstrasse, Marschnerstrasse, Reichenbachstrasse, Gutzkowstrasse. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Unfortunately we can not guarantee that these were the last failures. The situation with the relatively frequent breakdowns in these dormitories does not fulfill our own demands. We are working accordingly to determine the causes, to be able to prevent these failures in the future.

We are already operating our new hardware platform in these dormitories, which enables us e.g. to provide WiFi aside of the wired connection. We have been operating this hardware in the first dormitories since October 2019, so we have not yet been able to gain as much experience with the hardware as with the old hardware, which we have been using for over 10 years now.

At Güntzstraße we also have to use old multimode fiber optic cables, which have very high attenuation. These are also currently causing problems. The Studentenwerk has already started to replace these cables with new singlemode cables. So that there should be initial improvements after the fibres are replaced.

To be able to solve the initial troubles with our new platform, we are dependent on having a lot of information about the failures. We are currently in the process of developing a system with which we can automatically detect issues in the dormitories and collect some information about the outages.

Until then - and also for the past failures - you can help us by providing information about the outages. This information could be, for example, the following:

• What dormitory and what room do you live in?
• When did the outage begin?
• Was it a total failure or just a very slow connection?
• In Gret-Palucca-Straße: Was only the cable connection affected or also the WiFi provided by us?
• Did the Internet break down abruptly or did it deteriorate gradually?

If you are technically more experienced:

• Are the following addresses pingable during the outage:
• Can you still resolve addresses via our DNS server?

You can send us this information by e-mail to

On our status page you can also check at any time whether a failure is already known to us.

Thank you very much for your help!

Results of our general assembly

All members
Written by Willi Meißner, 2020-01-09. Permalink 

As announced our general assembly took place on 2019-11-06.

The following results were decided:

  • The supplementary budget for 2019 and the budget for 2020 were discussed and approved.
  • Team Borsbergstraße was founded.
  • The organizational unit of the section was removed from our statutes. Furthermore, all occurrences of "Studentenrat" in the statutes were replaced by "StuRa".

The complete minutes can be found here (login required), but unfortunately only in German.

Office hours during the holidays

Written by Peter Hamann, 2019-12-19. Permalink 

There will be no office hours during the holidays, the next one will be on the 6th of January. If you need support with your network connection, write us using the contact form.

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new Year!

No office hour on 2019-12-19 at Borsbergstraße

Written by Markus Velten, 2019-12-19. Permalink 

There will be no office hour at Borsbergstraße this Thursday.

In urgent matters you can still contact us via the contact form or email and in the other offices.

Network outage

Gret-Palucca-Straße 9 Gutzkowstraße Reichenbachstraße Güntzstraße Marschnerstraße
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2019-12-09. Permalink 

Currently there are network outages at these dormitories. The WiFi at Gret-Palucca-Straße is not affected. We are already working on the problem. You can see the current status at

Update: The accident is resolved.

Outage Gret-Palucca-Straße 9

Gret-Palucca-Straße 9
Written by Hendrik Wolff, 2019-11-27. Permalink 

On 2019-12-02 there will be a network outage in the Gret-Palucca-Strasse 9. Due to construction work we will have to shut down the power to our technology for a short time. The outage is expected to be from 10am to 11am.

Upcoming network outages at Gutzkow- and Reichenbachstraße

Gutzkowstraße Reichenbachstraße
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2019-11-16. Permalink 

On Saturday and Sunday, 16th and 17th of November 2019 we'll renew the network hardware in Gutzkow- and Reichenbachstraße to our new hardware platform.

There will be outages of the network connection starting from 8am on Saturday.

Router alteration

Gret-Palucca-Straße 9 Güntzstraße Marschnerstraße
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2019-11-03. Permalink 

Starting at 7pm, we will move the core routers for those dormitories. In this way outages are possible. We try to keep them as short as possible.

Connection interruptions

Gret-Pallucca-Straße Güntzstraße Marschnerstraße
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2019-11-01. Permalink 

We’re experiencing some problems with periodic connection interruptions to our network on our new hardware platform. If you’re affected, you just need to restart your connected device (router, computer). Please excuse any inconvenience caused.


Alle Wohnheime
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2019-10-31. Permalink 

On 2019-10-31 we've experienced issues with our user authentication. New devices were not able to connect to our network. Already connected devices were also not able to renew their connection.

Due to routing changes the dormitory Marschnerstraße was further affected by outages in the evening.

Delayed payment import

All dormitories except Hochschulstraße
Written by Jakob Müller, Vincent Knyrim, 2019-10-30. Permalink 

Due to the realization of the "Revised Directive on Payment Services" (PSD2), we are currently unable to import new banking activity into our administration system.

Therefore, new payments are currently not displayed in the usersuite, although they have already been received.

Of course, until the problem is resolved, there will be no blockages for financial reasons.

Update (2019-11-24):

The underlying problem could not be resolved, yet. However, we established a workaround that allows us to import all transactions (almost) automatically into our administration system again.

Update (2019-11-30):

The transactions of the last few weeks have been processed. Therefore the data in the usersuite should be up to date.

Due to the unusual circumstances we will resume the usual blocking of network access for financial reasons only after 2019-12-06.

We tried to contact all members being in arrears with payment via email. However, not all stored email addresses were correct.

Update (2019-12-16):

The blocking of network access for financial reasons happened on 2019-12-14.

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Willi Meißner, 2019-10-23. Permalink 

On 2019-11-06 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place at REC/B214/H.

There we will discuss some changes of our constitution and budgets for 2019 and 2020.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

Support Güntz-/Marschnerstraße

Güntzstraße Marschnerstraße
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2019-10-19. Permalink 

Due to many support requests we're offering an aditional office hour today (2019-10-19) at Güntzstraße.

Place: Güntzstraße 22, Room C1 (next to the club Contdown)
Time: 8.30pm to 9.30pm

Open day on 2019-10-01

All students houses
Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2019-09-29. Permalink 

To speed up the registration of all the new people arriving for the new semester, our offices at

  • Wundtstraße 5
  • Hochschulstraße 50

will be open all day on Tuesday (2019-10-01).

Our office at Borsbergstraße 34 will be open from 1 pm to 4 pm and from 7 pm on.

But not only new members are welcome, we are always looking for new volunteers. If you would like to see and learn how a network for over 3000 users is run, have a look! There will be tours through our tech rooms and fresh waffles.

Invitation Waffeltag

Relocation HSS office

Written by Julian Fölsch, 2019-09-19. Permalink 

The office at Hochschulstraße has moved from Hochschulstraße 46, basement to Hochschulstraße 50, ground floor.

Network Outage Zeunerstraße

Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2019-09-12. Permalink 

We are currently experiencing issues with our hardware at Zeunerstraße. Further investigations on site are necessary to solve the issue. We will post updates here and on our twitter account.

Please excuse any inconvenience caused.

Office hour on 2019-09-02

All members
Written by Willi Meißner, 2019-09-02. Permalink 

Contrary to the previous news there will be office hours at Wundtstraße today.

Office hours semester break summer 2019

All dormitories
Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2019-08-19. Permalink 

From 2019-08-19 until 2019-09-23, the office hours will change as follows:
The offices at Hochschulstraße and Borsbergstraße will be open at the usual times on Mondays only.
The office at Wundtstraße will be open at the usual time on Thursdays only.

You can still contact us via e-mail anytime. The offices might be open at other times, too, but there is no guarantee.

AG DSN wishes its members and all students a relaxing semester break.

No office hour on 2019-08-15

All members
Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2019-08-12. Permalink 

Due to the international gathering of Studentnetworks - SNT 2019, there will be no office hours at Wundtstraße this Thursday.

In urgent matters you can still contact us via the contact form or email.

Network outage

all dormitories
Written by Willi Meißner, 2019-07-05. Permalink 

Today was a breakdown of the network in all dormitories from 4 PM till 8 PM. This was due to unexpected effects of the fiber optic work on our VM infrastructure. We are still working on finding out why our redundancy did not work as intended.

Meanwhile everything should work as usual.

Upcoming network outages

Blasewitzer Straße Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Gret-Palucca-Straße Güntzstraße Hoyerswerdaer Straße Marschnerstraße Neuberinstraße
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2019-07-01. Permalink 

Due to a construction site one of our fibres has to be re-laid. This will lead to network outages at the dormitories Blasewitzer Straße, Borsbergstraße, Gerokstraße, Gret-Palucca-Straße, Güntzstraße, Hoyerswerdaer Straße, Marschnerstraße and Neuberinstraße on 2019-07-01 and 2019-07-02.

It is attempted to finish the works as fast as possible.

Results of our general assembly

All members
Written by Vincent Knyrim, 2019-06-06. Permalink 

As announced our general assembly took place on 2019-04-10.

  • The new executive board was elected and the old one exonerated.
  • The supplementary budgets for 2018 and 2019 were discussed and approved.
  • Some minor changes of our constitution were briefly discussed, but no changes made, yet.

The complete minutes can be found here (login required), but unfortunately only in German.

No office hours on Whitsun

All dormitories
Written by Gerrit, 2019-06-05. Permalink 

Due to the holiday there will be no office hours on 2019-06-10.

You can still contact us via the contact form or email.

Upcoming network outage in Neuberinstraße

Written by Vincent Knyrim, 2019-05-26. Permalink 

On Sunday, 2019-05-26 there will be a network outage in Neuberinstraße caused by maintenance work on the radio link.
The network should be working again in the afternoon.

No office hours on 2019-05-16

All members
Written by Vincent Knyrim, 2019-05-10. Permalink 

Due to an internal event, there will be no office hours next Thursday.

In urgent matters you can still contact us via the contact form or email.

Reminder: Membership Contribution

All members
Written by Vincent Knyrim, 2019-05-04. Permalink 

Please remember the payment of your membership contribution (currently 5€ per month).
You can also pay for several months at once (30€ per semester).

All those who haven not yet transferred the contribution for April (was due on 2019-04-30) are kindly asked to catch up soon.
After 2019-05-14, tardy members may be excluded from all services.

You can find the payment details here.

Office hours during the holidays

All student houses
Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2019-04-07. Permalink 

There will be no support hours on Thursday 18th April and Easter Monday 22nd April.

You can still contact us via the contact form.

Downtime Hochschulstraße 50 3.4.2019

Hochschulstraße 50
Written by Julian Fölsch, 2019-04-04. Permalink 

Caused by storage problems, the network at Hochschulstraße 50 was partially down yesterday. These issues are fixed now. If you still have issues, do not hesitate to contact us.

Downtime Maxwell

Written by Julian Fölsch, 2019-04-02. Permalink 

Due to a potential compromisation of Maxwell, the system won't be available the next few days. Maxwell is responsible for delivering If you have downloaded files from there since 18:00, it may be possible, that they have been altered in harmful ways. Please note, that most packages for Linux distributions are signed and therefore should be safe. We will try to get Maxwell running again as soon as possible by applying a backup.

Network outage Wundtstraße 11

Wundtstraße 11
Written by Jakob Müller, 2019-04-02. Permalink 

Yesterday (2019-04-01) there was a breakdown of the network in floors 1 to 7 in Wundtstraße 11 in the evening (about 21:00 - 23:45). The reason for this was a hardware defect on a network device in the building.

At around 23:30, the defective part was replaced by us, which resolved the problem.

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Willi Meißner, 2019-03-27. Permalink 

On 2019-04-10 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place at REC/B214/H.

The main topic will be the election of our new executive board. Besides that we will discuss some minor changes of our constitution and supplementary budgets for 2018 and 2019.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

Wifi Test Operation in dormitory Gret-Palucca-Straße

Written by Florian Lamprecht, Sebastian Trebbin, 2019-03-24. Permalink 

Today we are starting the test operation of our wifi infrastructure in the dormitory Gret-Palucca-Straße 11.

You can find more information at Wi-Fi-Test.

We plan to extend the wifi to all dormitories over the next years.

We will inform you about problems here.

Demonstrations against Articel 13

All members
Written by Vorstand, 2019-03-18. Permalink 

Dear members,

Article 13 has been on everyone's lips in recent weeks and will be voted on in the European Parliament on the 25th of March. In concrete terms, Article 13 is part of the planned copyright reform aimed at strengthening copyright on the Internet. To this end, platform operators are to be made obligated to identify and effectively prevent copyright infringements. The idea behind this reform is to be welcomed for the time being, but this obligation will have far-reaching consequences which will affect many services.

"Measures for the recognition of copyright are effective content recognition technologies that should be used appropriately. (Quote, Article 13, EU legislation)

The implementation of this reform means that platform providers must proactively filter content to detect copyright infringements. The sheer volume of images, videos, text, and music uploaded daily makes manual review impossible. Instead, automated methods will be used to compare content with algorithms against databases of known works.

  1. Algorithms can poorly detect the difference between allowed media, such as satire and quotes, which will lead to unlawful blocking.

  2. An infrastructure is needed for filtering. However, only the major providers (Facebook, Google, ..) have the necessary resources to build them. Smaller providers, on the other hand, have to buy the technology, which makes the small providers dependent on the big ones and gives them access to even more data.

  3. The existing filter infrastructure can also be used very easily for other purposes, e.g. to filter certain political statements.

We the board of the AG DSN, are therefore clearly against Article 13. Its implementation will lead to a massive restriction of freedom of expression and development on the Internet. In addition, Article 13 strengthens the large Internet groups and contributes to the monopolization of content. If you want to defend yourself against Article 13 with us, we call on you to take part in the demonstration on 23rd March [3].




Results of our general assembly

All members
Written by Willi Meißner, 2019-02-26. Permalink 

As announced our general assembly took place 2018-12-05. We passed our budget for 2019 and changed our team regulation. Additionally we discussed our self-conception and our future.

The complete minutes can be found here (login needed), unfortunately both are only available in German.

Abolishment of traffic limit

All members
Written by Richard Mörbitz, Markus Helbig, 2019-01-22​. Permalink 

In agreement with the ZIH we made the decision to abolish the traffic limit.

In order to maintain an excellent service quality for all of our members, we continue monitoring the traffic consumption. If one disturbs the network usage of other members, we will consequently disable the network access of that person.

Error in traffic computation

All dormitories except Hochschulstraße
Written by Justin Künzel, Florian Völker, 2019-01-22. Permalink 

Original news (2018-08-24): Unfortunately our new user administration system Pycroft still has missing functions. Currently, the traffic credit is not increased by the expected daily 10GiB.
Your credit will continue to decrease!
Therefore we don't block any members at the moment.

We are already working on correcting the error and ask for your understanding!
If you want to help us and become active at AGDSN, this might be interesting for you.

Update (2018-12-04): The error is still present. We will inform you as soon as it is solved.

Update (2019-01-22): Due to the abolishment of the traffic limit the missing feature is no longer relevant.

Upcoming network outage at Wundtstraße 5

Wundtstraße 5
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2018-12-18. Permalink 

On Saturday and Sunday, the 5th and 6th of January, we will renew a network rack at Wundtstraße 5.

This will cause network outages in floors 1 to 5 starting at around 10 a.m.

If you still experience problems the next Monday, please use our contact form to notify us.

No office hours over the holiday break

All student houses
Written by Gerrit Hinz, Vincent Knyrim, 2018-12-13. Permalink 

Beginning with the 2018-12-21 there will be no office hours until 2019-01-06. The AG DSN takes a break for the holidays.

If there are emergencies, you can still contact us via email. You find the contact form over here.

The AG DSN wishes you merry holidays and a happy new year. We look forward to the next successful year with you.

Upcoming network outage at Budapester Straße

Budapester Straße
Written by Jakob Müller, 2018-11-25. Permalink 

On Sunday, 2018-12-02, we will renew the network cabling in the dormitories Budapester Straße 22 & 24.

This will cause network outages starting at around 10 a.m.

If you still experience problems the next day, please use our contact form to notify us.

Update (2018-12-04 13:45): Occasionally, it still came to failures today, but these should now be resolved.

Network outage Gutzkowstraße & Reichenbachstraße

Gutzkowstraße & Reichenbachstraße
Written by Justin Künzel, 2018-11-22. Permalink 

Currently, we noticed a network outage in Gutzkowstraße & Reichenbachstraße. We are already working on it.

Update (2018-11-22 00:39): We have solved the problem now. Everything should work again.

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2018-11-21. Permalink 

On 2018-12-05 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place at Max-Kade-Foyer, Gutzkowstraße 29-33, 01069 Dresden.

The main topics will be a second supplementary budget for 2018 and the budget for 2019.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

Repair works at dormitory Zellescher Weg

Zellescher Weg
Written by Florian Lamprecht, 2018-10-25. Permalink 

At Sunday the 2018-10-28 we will repair our redundant fibre connections at the dormitory Zellescher Weg. In this time there could be short disruptions in the network connection.

Upcoming network outage at Neuberinstraße

Written by Sebastian Trebbin, 2018-09-24. Permalink 

On Wednesday 2018-09-26 the Studentenwerk will improve the radio links to the dormitory Neuberinstraße.

A result is a total network outage at Neuberinstraße. It will last for several hours.

In the evening the network connection should be operational again – with a bit more bandwidth.

Open day on 2018-10-01

All students houses
Written by Vincent Knyrim, Markus Helbig, 2018-09-20. Permalink 

To speed up the registration of all the new people arriving for the new semester, our offices at

  • Wundtstraße 5
  • Hochschulstraße 46

will be open all day on Monday (2018-10-01).

Our office at Borsbergstraße 34 will be open from 6 pm on.

But not only new members are welcome, we are always looking for new volunteers. If you would like to see and learn how a network for over 3000 users is run, have a look! There will be tours through our tech rooms and fresh waffles.

Upcoming network outage at Borsberg-, Gerok-, Gret-Palucca- and Neuberinstraße

Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Gret-Palucca-Straße Neuberinstraße
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2018-09-10. Permalink 

During the next two days (2018-09-11 and 2018-09-12) a Studentenwerk contractor will repair some faulty fiber connections at Gret-Palucca-Straße. We do not have backup links available for all sites connecting through the affected fibres, which will cause some outages at the sites mentioned above.

Due to the short notice we don't have any more detail for now, we will give updates as soon as we know more.

Update (2018-09-11):
Around 9:10am GPS11 and Neuberinstraße went offline, ca. 10:20am the connections were reestablished. Besides some short interruptions to verify the fiber link quality there should be no further problems, by this evening the work should be finished.

Upcoming network outage at Zeunerstraße

Written by Vincent Knyrim, 2018-08-28. Permalink 

During the next weeks – among other works – the university data centre needs to move some patch panels at Trefftz-Bau.

A result is a total network outage at Zeunerstraße. It will last for several hours.

This outage will most likely happen on 2018-09-10 or 2018-09-11. We will inform you as soon as more details are known to us.

Update (2018-09-01):
Due to a delivery problem the works are delayed, and thus the network outage is delayed, too.

Update (2018-09-06):
It has been confirmed that the outage will occur on Monday, 2018-09-10, from 8 to 11am.

Update (2018-09-10):
As of 10:30am the dormitory uplink has been reestablished and everything is back in working order.

Borsi summer party on 2018-09-01

All dormitories
Written by Vincent Knyrim, 2018-08-28. Permalink 

This weekend we celebrate the summer and semester break at Borsbergstraße 34 (7th floor). All members of AG DSN are welcome! There will be refreshments in various forms and tastes as well as a barbecue. We start at 7 pm on Saturday and are looking forward to seeing you.

Borsi summer party

Switch to new administration software 18./19.8.

Borsbergstraße Budapesterstraße Fritz-Löffler-Straße 16 Gerokstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2018-08-17. Permalink 

Over the weekend, from Saturday 10 am, the listed student houses will switch over to a new administration software.

Due to these changes support requests will get delayed over the following week, there might be short network interruptions as well.

With the deployment of this new software years of development work come to fruition. In the future we hope to offer you faster support response times, more flexible membership management, and additional self-service features.

Migration of email service and user hosting infrastructure

Written by Richard Mörbitz, Vincent Knyrim, 2018-08-08. Permalink 

As part of the consolidation and improvement of our internal systems the email service and the user hosting infrastructure for members at Hochschulstraße will be migrated to the new infrastructure till 2018-08-29.

In the meantime the old and the new system will be available in parallel. After the deadline the old system will be shut down!

More information on what is going to change for you personally, e.g. what your new login is and what settings need to be adjusted in your email client, will be send to you by email. You can also find it on our website.

Hades-Rollout Gerokstraße

Written by Vincent Knyrim, 2018-08-03. Permalink 

This weekend the device authentication for members in Gerokstraße will be replaced by the centralized system.

If everything goes according to plan, there will be no outages.

Office hours semester break summer 2018

All dormitories
Written by Vincent Knyrim, 2018-07-27. Permalink 

From 2018-07-28 until further notice, the office hours will change as follows:
The office at Hochschulstraße will be open at the usual time on Mondays only.
The offices at Wundtstraße and Borsbergstraße will be open at the usual times on Thursdays only.

You can still contact us via e-mail anytime. The offices might be open at other times, too, but there is no guarantee.

AG DSN wishes its members and all students a relaxing semester break.

Update (2018-08-28):
From 2018-09-01 the offices at Hochschulstraße and Wundtstraße will be open each Monday and Thursday again.
From 2018-10-01 the office at Borsbergstraße will be open each Monday and Thursday again.

Update (2018-08-30):
Our office at Wundtstraße will be opened on the 2018-09-01 (Saturday) from CA. 9 AM to 4 PM.

Maintenance at Zellescher Weg

Zellescher Weg
Written by Sebastian Schrader, 2018-07-27. Permalink 

On Saturday, Juli 28th, we will change parts of the fiber cabling at Zellescher Weg. This could result in brief outages.

Outage Borsbergstraße 34

Borsbergstraße 34
Written by Justin Künzel, 2018-07-25. Permalink 

Currently we have detected an outage of our switch in the 5th floor of Borsbergstraße 34. This is causing network problems in this building. We are already working on this issue and are close to fixing it.

Update: The switch was replaced, so the network problems should be resolved.

English translation of forms

All members
Written by Vincent Knyrim, 2018-07-04. Permalink 

Due to the new European General Data Protection Regulation we had to split up and revise our forms. Up to this point the new versions of the membership application, services form and moving notification were only available in German.

Now the services form and moving notification are available in English, too, so you do not have to use the German version anymore.

Since the membership application form is basically the written contract between our members and the AG DSN, we want its translation to be legally verified before deploying it. Thus, you can not use it to apply for membership at the moment. However, to make filling in the German version easier for you, we added the current English translation as a reference to our help sheet (on page 2): universallyfor Gerokstraßefor Hochschulstraße

If you should find any mistranslations, please let us know!

Fiber link to Gerokstraße

Written by Sebastian Trebbin, 2018-06-25. Permalink 

Due to the expansion of the Studentenwerk owned fiber network, we could connect the dormitory Gerokstraße 38 over fiber to our core network. With this change we increased the uplink bandwidth to 10 Gbit/s, so also the members in Gerokstraße can use the full speed concurrently.

Confirmation of new constitution

All members
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2018-06-15. Permalink 

During the last general assembly we changed our constitution. On the 17th of May the Students' Council of TU Dresden accepted our changes, the minutes of that meeting will get linked here as soon as they are published.

The main changes were the removal of an inactive rule regarding voting remotely via telecommunication, and we removed the strict limit on our activities to the area of Dresden, so that we can now help the students in Tharandt and beyond as well.

Network changes in Hochschulstraße

Written by Richard Mörbitz, 2018-06-13. Permalink 

Due to firmware updates on our network access components there will be short interruptions in internet connectivity on 16th June between 10am and 2pm.

We give our best to keep them as short as possible and apologize for the inconvenience.

Lightning Strike Neuberinstraße

Written by Felix Kluge, 2018-06-11. Permalink 

Due to a lightning strike on 10th of june 2018 our network equipment at Neuberinstraße got heavily damaged. We try to replace all affected devices as soon as possible. Sadly the devices have to be replaced before a network connection is possible again.

Update 2018-06-18: Over the last week we replaced the affected hardware, since Saturday your connections are reenabled. Please make sure to use the updated settings! IP-addresses have to be acquired dynamically via DHCP, the old static configurations do not work anymore.

Traffic volume increased to 10 GiB/d

All members
Written by Julian Fölsch, 2018-05-30. Permalink 

After oberserving the traffic over the last few weeks we are increasing the traffic volume to 10GiB/d, starting now! The next upgrade will be discussed when our uplink capacity to the ZIH is increased.

No office hours on 2018-06-07

All members
Written by Julian Fölsch, 2018-05-30. Permalink 

Due to our annual dinner there will be no office hours next Thursday, 2018-06-07.

HTTP Cache for Steam available at Hochschulstraße now

Written by Richard Mörbitz, 2018-05-22. Permalink 

Due to the network changes at the last weekend, the steam cache is available for members at Hochschulstraße as well now.

Once you have enabled the service in your usersuite, your downloads from Steam will be redirected to our cache. With that you reduce bandwith usage on our uplink to the university and improve the quality of services in our network.

Network changes in Hochschulstraße

Written by Richard Mörbitz, 2018-05-16. Permalink 

We're going to perform changes in the network infrastructure of our dormitories Hochschulstraße 46 and 48 on the 19th of May 2018 between 11:00 am and 5:00 pm. During this period connectivity issues and outages are to be expected. After that, we can provide services there that have been available in other buildings for quite some time. We try to keep the outages as short as possible. The international guesthouse (Hochschulstraße 50) is not affected.

Those who are interested are invited to visit us in our office (basement of Hochschulstraße 46) during the operation.

Traffic quota increased to 5 GiB/d

All members
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2018-05-12. Permalink 

Thanks to our latest agreement with the TU Dresden IT department (ZIH), we are happy to announce an increase of the traffic quota to 5 GiB per day (105 GiB cap) for all members. This change will take effect tonight.

In the next weeks we will assess the situation and decide upon our next actions towards further improvements.

Results of the general assembly

All members
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2018-04-19. Permalink 

Yesterday we elected a new executive board.

5th and 6th board members are now Lena Jurkschat and Anna Elisa Theumer, the treasurer and vice treasurer are Willi Meißner and Florian Lamprecht, the chairman and vice chairman are Friedrich Zahn and Simon Hanisch.

Furthermore a supplementary budget was passed, and changes to our constitution and regulations were made.

The changed constitution needs to get approval of the Studentenrat of TU Dresden before taking effect.

The minutes and updated documents will be made public once available.

Update 2018-05-08: The minutes are now available in the minutes section. The changes to the team regulations are online as well. The changes to our constitution have to get approval of the Studentenrat before they take effect.

DE-CIX outage

All student houses
Written by Justin Künzel, 2018-04-10. Permalink 

Since yesterday evening there is a partial outage. Cause is a power outage at the internet exchange DE-CIX in Frankfurt am Main. Not only we are affected, but several providers in Germany.

According to the Twitter account of DE-CIX the problem will be resolved in 1 - 2 hours (2.30 am).

Invitation to General Assembly

All members
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2018-04-04. Permalink 

On the 18th of April 2018 at 7pm a general assembly of the AG DSN will take place at our NOC on Räcknitzhöhe 35.

Topics of the meeting will be:

  • Discharge and election of the executive board
  • Passing a supplementary budget for 2018
  • Changes to our constitution and regulations.

All details and the agenda can be found in the invitation (in German).

Load tests of our infrastructure

All members
Written by Florian Lamprecht, 2018-04-04. Permalink 

On the 8th of April from 12am to 8pm the performance of network and server resources might degrade.

Reason is the load test of some components, needed for future WiFi deployment.

Discussion of the supplementary budget on 2018-03-22

All members
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2018-03-19. Permalink 

In preparation of our next general assembly we will meet this Thursday, 2018-03-22, at 7 pm at our NOC on Räcknitzhöhe 35 to discuss the first supplementary budget for 2018.

All members are welcome to participate and voice their opinions on the usage of our funds.

Maintenance Hochschulstraße

Written by Richard Mörbitz, 2018-03-03. Permalink 

We're going to perform maintenance work in our dormitory Hochschulstraße on the 5th of March 2018 between 7:30 and 11:30 pm. During this period connectivity issues and outages are to be expected. We try to keep them as short as possible.

New service - HTTP Cache for Steam

All student houses except Gerok- and Hochschulstraße
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2018-03-03. Permalink 

We are happy to announce a new service for our members, an HTTP cache. Once you enable the service in your usersuite, downloads from the supported services (currently only Steam) are redirected to an internal server, which is caching all downloaded data. Therefore multiple downloads of the same data only need to be fetched from the internet once.

The aim of this service is to reduce bandwidth usage on our uplink to the university, and to provide an improved experience, since our local network is much more capable.

We tested the service extensively, but please be aware that it will never move beyond a beta status, due to the inherent dependencies on the cached services. If you experince problems, we can only provide limited help, and you might have to disable it again.

More technical information, a list of the supported services and know problems can be found here.

Office hours during the semester break

All student houses
Written by Markus Helbig, 2018-02-21. Permalink 

In March our office hours will be:

  • Borsbergstraße 34, 7th floor, on Mondays, 8-9pm
  • Hochschulstraße 46, basement, on Mondays, 7-7.30pm
  • Wundtstraße 5, ground floor, on Thursdays, 7-8pm

There will be no support hours on Easter Monday.

You can still contact us via the contact form.

The AG DSN wishes you a restful semester break.

Adjustment of membership contribution

All members
Written by Sebastian Geisler, Friedrich Zahn, 2018-02-07. Permalink 

From April 1st 2018 our membership contribution will be raised from 3.50€ per month to 5.00€ per month. The increase was discussed and enacted on the last general assembly, for which you can read the corresponding minutes here. The main reasons for the increase are our continuing efforts to bring infrastructure scale WLAN to all dormitories, increasing costs of operation due to inflation and necessary replacements of old hardware.

To avoid interruptions of service please update potential recurring payments and pay the monthly difference for all months you already paid in advance. You can see your current account balance in the user suite.

Addition 2018-03-10: In the third episode of the MultiCast we spoke about the reasons for the increase, among other things. Unfortunately the podcast is only available in German.

Replacement of defective hardware

Written by Julian Fölsch, 2018-02-05. Permalink 

Today from 7:30pm onward we will swap out defective hardware of our network at Hochschulstraße 46. This will result in network outages, as always we will try to keep these at a minimum.

Updates and Outages

Gret-Palucca-Straße Neuberinstraße Hochschulstraße
Written by Gerrit, 2018-01-14. Permalink 

Due to the recent security issuese named "Meltdown" and "Spectre" we had to install last week multiple Updates to fix our systems. While updating we ran into a few issues wich lead to a few small network outages.

On Monday a service didn't restored properly after a system restart so the connectivity at Hochschulstraße was limited to those who connected their computer or router prior to the reboot.

In the evening a unexpected reboot of one of our servers in a critical moment lead to outage of Gret-Palucca-Straße and Neuberinstraße due to a routing issue.

Please excuse the inconvenience.

Office hours over the holiday break

All student houses
Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2017-12-16. Permalink 

Begining with the 12/21 there will be no office hours until next year 01/03. The AG DSN takes a break for the holidays.

If there are emergencies you can still contact us via email. You find the contact form over here.

The AG DSN wishes you happy holidays and a happy new year. We look forward to the next successful year with you.

No office hours on Thursday

All student houses
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2017-12-12. Permalink 

Due to our general assembly there will be no office hours on Thursday, 2017-12-14.

Maintenance Fritz-Löffler-Straße 16

Fritz-Löffler-Straße 16
Written by Georg Kotheimer, 2017-12-09. Permalink 

We're going to perform maintenance work in our dormitory Fritz-Löffler-Straße 16 on the 10th of December 2017 between 13:00 and 15:00. During this period connectivity issues and outages are to be expected.

General Assembly

All student houses
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2017-11-30. Permalink 

On the 14th of December 2017 at 7pm a general assembly of the AG DSN will take place at our NOC on Räcknitzhöhe 35.

Topics of the meeting will be:

  • A proposal to increase the membership fee to 5,00€ per month.
  • Passing the budget for 2018.

All details and the agenda can be found in the invitation (in German).

Payment reminder

All dormitories
Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2017-11-13. Permalink 

For those who pay every six month, the next payment is due now. If you are not sure if you paid already you can check your current balance after logging in to our website. You can find the details needed for the transfer on the page of the membership contribution. Please pay attention to the payment description as we need it to match the payment to your account.

If you face yourself blocked because of a missing payment don't panic. Get the necessary information at the membership contribution site, pay attention to the payment description and after you transferred the money send us the payment receipt (e.g. as a pdf, photo, screenshot) to . We do our best to process these eMails fast. It takes usually two workdays until the money is transferred to our account and we process incoming payments every evening.

Support hours for 2017-10-03

Wundtstraße Zellescherweg Gret-Palucca-Straße Zeunerstraße Borsbergstraße Budapesterstraße
Written by Fritz Windisch, 2017-10-03. Permalink 

Due to many students moving in, our office at Wundtstraße is opened today from 11am to 1pm and from 3pm to 8pm.

Increased response time for support mails

All student houses
Written by Stefan Haller, 2017-09-30. Permalink 

Due to some misconfiguration, from 2017-09-23 to 2017-09-29 not all support mails have been imported into our ticket system correctly. Therefore it might take longer than usual until you get a reply to your inquiry. No mails have been lost and it is not necessary to resubmit them.

Open day on October 2nd

All students houses
Written by Friedrich, 2017-09-29. Permalink 

To speed up the registration of all the new people arriving for the new semester, our offices at Wundtstraße 5 and Hochschulstraße 46 will be open all day on Monday (2017-10-02).

But not only new members are welcome, we are always looking for new volunteers. If you would like to see and learn how a network for 3000 users is run, have a look! There will be tours through our tech rooms and fresh waffles.

Takeover of Gret-Palucca-Straße 11

Written by Friedrich, 2017-09-28. Permalink 

From the 1st of October we will be running the network of Gret-Palucca-Straße 11.

Since the student house will not yet be inhabitable by then, new tenants will have to move into GPS 9 temporarily. The Studentenwerk will no longer provide new connections at GPS 9, but we have taken measures to ensure network access for our members at GPS 9, anyhow.

So, if you are a future tenant of GPS 11:

  1. Sign up for membership:

    • Read about the registration process.
    • Fill the form twice, put in your future GPS 11 address, sign it, hand it in.
  2. Connect to our network at GPS 9.

  3. Move into GPS 11 - no further action required, if gave us the correct GPS 11 room on the form.

Existing GPS 9 tenants can continue to use their Stutentenwerk network connection until they move into GPS 11. Once you live there, you will have to sign up with us or some commercial provider.

We plan to outfit GPS 11 with the new network hardware on October 19th. If you are interested in our volunteers work and would like to help, get in touch or just come over!

Network outage

Budapester Straße Fritz-Löffler-Straße 16 all Studentenwerk administrated dorms
Written by Willi Meißner, 2017-09-15. Permalink 

At 2016-09-16 there will be a major overhaul of our infrastructure in the main data room of the Studentenwerk. This will cause network outages for all connected dorms over the whole day.

The affected dorms will be Budapester Straße, Fritz-Löffler-Straße 16 and all of the dorms which are administrated by the Studentenwerk.

Office Hours Semester Break Summer 2017

All dormitories
Written by Markus Helbig, 2017-08-23. Permalink 

From 2017-08-24 on there will be no office hours on Thursdays.

On 2017-08-31 there will be an exception in Wundtstraße and Hochschulstraße because of the arrival of new tennants.

Office hours on Mondays will continue as usual and you can also contact us via e-mail.

AG DSN wishes its members and all students a relaxing semester break.

Wartungsarbeiten Gerokstraße

Written by Sebastian Trebbin, 2017-07-30. Permalink 

Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten wird es am 30.07.2017 zwischen 21 und 24 Uhr zu kurzen Ausfällen der Netzanbindung der Gerokstraße kommen.

Umstellung Netzanbindung Zeunerstraße

Written by Felix Kluge, 2017-07-19. Permalink 

Die Netzanbindung des Wohnheims wird umgestellt, um zukünftig die Stabilität der Anbindung sicher stellen zu können. Dazu wird es zwischen 15:30 Uhr und 17:00 Uhr zu kurzen Ausfällen in der Netzwerkanbindung kommen.

Network outage Zeunerstraße

Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2017-06-23. Permalink 

Due to a server crash, Zeunerstraße 1f has been offline from 2017-06-21, 10pm to 2017-06-22, 9pm.

Please excuse the inconvenience. We are aware of the ongoing issues and working on a permanent solution.

Failed delivery of support mails

All student houses
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2017-06-23. Permalink 

Due to some misconfigurations, from 2017-06-19 to 2017-06-23 some mails send to our support addresses could not be delivered. Senders should have been notified about the undeliverable mail, but if you have an urgent issue and no reply by now, please send another mail to be sure.

Network outage Hochschulstraße

Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2017-06-07. Permalink 

We're going to work on the connection from Wundtstraße to Hochschulstraße on 09.06.2017 around 10:00 to 12:00. During this period connectivity issues and outages are expected in our dorms Hochschulstraße including the International Guesthouse. Other dorms won't be effected. If you are intrested in our work, you can come over to our office in Hochschulstraße 46 during this period.

Update 19:25 We had a lot of trouble with the configuration of the new devices. There is something broken but we do our best to solve this issue soon.

Summer Party Wundtstraße on 2017-06-14

Written by Friedrich, 2017-05-30. Permalink 

On the 14th of June the Studentenwerk Dresden invites you to a Summer Party at Wundtstraße.

Besides food and drinks there will be live music, sports, and a movie screening at KiK.

Like the bicycle diy-workshop Rad i.O. we will open our doors at Wundtstraße 5, offering waffles and guided tours. So if you want to know how the internet works, why our maintenance happens at strange times, or what we do with your membership contributions, feel free to visit us!

You can find the facebook event here, further information is available on the Studentenwerk website.

summer party

No office hours on Ascension Day

All dormitories
Written by Friedrich, 2017-05-24. Permalink 

Due to the holiday there will be no office hours on 2017-05-25. You can always reach us via mail or the contact form.

Cancellation of our office hours

Alle Mitglieder
Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2017-05-17. Permalink 

On Thursday May 18th our offices in Borsbergstrasse and Wundtstrasse will be closed due to an internal event. The office at Hochschulstrasse 46 (located in the basement) is going to open as usual and service all members of the AG DSN.

Network outage Zeunerstraße 1f

Zeunerstraße 1f
Written by Felix Kluge, 2017-05-06. Permalink 

We're going to swap two devices at Zeunerstraße 1f on 07.05.2017 around 17:00 to 20:00. During this period connectivity issues and outages are expected.

This should fix some issues with our current setup at the building.

Update 2017-05-08 14:20: There are still problems with the new hardware, we are working on a solution.

Update 2017-05-10 11:20: The issue has been resolved yesterday evening.

Results of our general assembly

All members
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2017-04-26. Permalink 

As announced our general assembly took place 2017-04-19. A new executive board has been elected, and the divisions Gerokstraße, Hochschulstraße, Wundtstraße and Zeunerstraße have been superseded by our new centralised teams.

The complete minutes including the report of the old executive board can be found here, unfortunately both are only available in German.


Alle Wohnheime
Written by Felix Kluge, 2017-04-05. Permalink 

Am 19.04.2017 um 20 Uhr findet die nächste Vollversammlung der AG DSN im NOC auf der Räcknitzhöhe 35 statt.

Themen der Sitzung sind laut Einladung:

  • Umstrukturierung innerhalb der AG DSN
  • Vorstandswahlen

Details zur Sitzung inklusive der Tagesordnung sind in der Einladung zu finden.

Scheduled maintenance on Saturday, 2017-03-18

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Borsbergstraße Zeunerstraße
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2017-03-17. Permalink 

We need to perform urgent maintenance on our central storage cluster, which necessitates the shutdown of our central management services. This will result in a (hopefully) short network outage somewhen between 10am and 1pm.

Reduced office hours during lecture-free period

Written by Willi Meißner, 2017-02-23. Permalink 

The office hours at our office Borsbergstraße will also only take place on mondays till the beginning of the summer semester 2017.

Reduced office hours during lecture-free period

Written by Sebastian Geisler, 2017-02-08. Permalink 

The office hours at our office Hochschulstraße will only take place on mondays till 23rd of march.

Interruption of Internet connection

All student houses
Written by Friedrich, 2017-01-23. Permalink 

As announced by the ZIH there will be an interruption of our connection to the Internet today from 4pm to 11pm. This will affect all student houses. The local network will not be affected.

Network outage Borsbergstraße and Wundtstraße 9

Borsbergstraße Wundtstraße 9
Written by Friedrich, 2017-01-15. Permalink 

We need to swap out hardware at Borsbergstraße and Wundtstraße 9. We will start around on 2017-01-15 around 11:30am, there will be network interruptions.


Alle Wohnheime
Written by Felix Kluge, 2016-12-26. Permalink 

Am 11.01.2017 um 20 Uhr findet die nächste Vollversammlung der AG DSN im NOC auf der Räcknitzhöhe 35 statt.

Themen der Sitzung sind laut Einladung:

  • Vorstellung von möglichen Kandidaten für die nächsten Vorstandswahlen
  • Beschluss des Haushaltsplans für 2017

Details zur Sitzung inklusive der Tagesordnung sind in der Einladung zu finden.

Office hours over the holiday break

Hochschulstraße International Guesthouse Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße Gerokstraße Borsbergstraße
Written by Christoph Kepler, 2016-12-16. Permalink 

Begining with the 12/22 there will be no office hours until next year 01/02. The AG DSN takes a break for the holidays.

If there are emergencies you can still contact us via email. You find the contact form over here.

The AG DSN wishes you happy holidays and a happy new year. We look forward to the next successful year with you.

Come together with mulled wine

Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße
Written by Friedrich, 2016-11-30. Permalink 

On the 3rd of December, 6pm we invite all members of Borsberg- and Gerokstraße to have a mulled wine with us at Borsbergstraße 34. We will be on the balcony near our office on the 7th floor.


Einladung zur Sektionssitzung und -versammlung

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Peter Hamann, 2016-11-28. Permalink 

Hiermit lädt der Vorstand der Sektion Wundtstrasse alle Mitglieder und Gäste zur Sektionssitzung-und versammlung am 12.12.2016 um 21:00 Uhr, ins NOC: Räcknitzhöhe 35, 01217 Dresden, ein.

Die vorläufigen Tagesordnungen:

Tagesordnung der Sektionssitzung

  • Diskussion der Tagesordnung
  • Überprüfung des Protokolls und der gefassten Beschlüsse, Bestätigung der letzten Protokolle (22.11.2016)
  • Sonstiges

Tagesordnung der Sektionsversammlung

  • Organisatorisches
    • Diskussion der Tagesordnung
    • Abstimmungsfähigkeit
  • Überprüfung des Protokolls und der gefassten Beschlüsse, Bestätigung der letzten Protokolle: 22.11.2016
  • Antrag auf die Wahl der lediglich benötigten Sektionsbeauftragten nach Satzung §14 Abs. 3 Satz 1
  • Entlastung des alten Geschäftsführung
  • Wahl eines neuen Geschäftsführung
    • Kandidaten
    • Wahl
  • Sonstiges

Confirmation of New Constitution

All Members
Written by Stefan Haller, 2016-11-25. Permalink 

On the 9th of November 2016 our general assembly adopted a new constitution. The constitution was approved by the Studentenrat of TU Dresden yesterday and therefore it is binding from now on.

A summary of the changes is listed below:

  • The termination of passive and active membership is standardized.
  • Team meetings can appoint active members.
  • Some inconsistencies have been removed.
  • Active members can get a reimbursement limited to the amount of the membership contribution.

New payment details

Borsbergstraße Zeunerstraße
Written by Willi Meißner, 2016-11-17. Permalink 

Because of a restructuring our payment details for Borsbergstraße and Zeunerstraße have changed. The new one is the same one as at Wundstraße. The bank account is:

Studentenrat TUD - AG DSN
Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden
DE61 8505 0300 3120 2195 40
User-ID, Last name, First name, Building/Room

Please use only the new payment details from now. Don't panic if you already made a transaction to the old bank account. This will be no problem. The old bank account will be deactivated towards the end of the year.

New finance regulation

All student houses
Written by Willi Meißner, 2016-11-12. Permalink 

We changed our finance regulation at the general assembly on 09/27/2016.

There are two important differences:

  • There is a new Sentence at §2 paragraph 2. It regulate the fee if you terminate your membership before the end of a month. For you is important that you announce your departure before the end of the month.
  • At §2 we add a new paragraph 5. It regulate the repayment of membership fees. You have time period of 31 days now to demand the repayment of overpaid fees.

This changes were made to reduce our additional work so that we can concentrate at more important things (e.g. your support-mails and the maintenance of the network).

You can find the full wording at the finance regulation. This can also be found at the top navigation at Legal Aspects → Finance constitutions.

Einladung zur Sektionssitzung und -versammlung

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Peter Hamann, 2016-11-02. Permalink 

Hiermit lädt der Vorstand der Sektion Wundtstrasse alle Mitglieder und Gäste zur Sektionssitzung und -versammlung am 22.11.2016 um 20:30 Uhr, ins NOC: Räcknitzhöhe 35, 01217 Dresden, ein.

Die vorläufigen Tagesordnungen:

Tagesordnung der Sektionssitzung

  • Diskussion der Tagesordnung
  • Überprüfung des Protokolls und der gefassten Beschlüsse, Bestätigung der letzten Protokolle (25.05.2016, 01.06.2016, 15.06.2016, 13.07.2016, 02.09.2016, 14.09.2016, 12.10.2016)
  • Reminder auflösen/abgeben
  • Sonstiges

Tagesordnung der Sektionsversammlung

  • Organisatorisches
    • Diskussion der Tagesordnung
    • Abstimmungsfähigkeit
  • Überprüfung des Protokolls und der gefassten Beschlüsse, Bestätigung der letzten Protokolle: 25.05.2016
  • Antrag auf die Wahl der lediglich benötigten Sektionsbeauftragten nach Satzung §14 Abs. 3 Satz 1
  • Entlastung des alten Geschäftsführers
  • Wahl eines neuen Geschäftsführers
    • Kandidaten
    • Wahl
  • Sonstiges

Network outage Zellescher Weg 41c, 41d

Zellescher Weg
Written by Stefan Haller, 2016-11-02. Permalink 

Due to a power cut the buildings ZW 41c and ZW 41d were offline from 10.20 to 10.50.

Further network outages might occur till the end of the week since the Studentenwerk is currently performing maintenance work on the power supply.

LPI courses delayed

Written by Friedrich, 2016-10-31. Permalink 

Due to a lack of time the announced LPI courses can't take place in November. As soon as we decide on new dates, we will publish them here.

Network outage Zellescher Weg 41, 41A and 41B

Zellescher Weg
Written by Friedrich, 2016-10-27. Permalink 

Currently we have lost power for our switch at Zellescher Weg 41B due to construction works by the Studentenwerk.

Due to this, Zellescher Weg 41, 41A and 41B are offline. Network access should be restored around 2:30 pm.

Tomorrow, on Friday the 28th, there will be another power cut at 9:00 am, and the three buildings will be offline.


Alle Wohnheime
Written by Felix Kluge, 2016-10-26. Permalink 

Am 09.11.2016 um 20 Uhr findet die nächste Vollversammlung der AG DSN im NOC auf der Räcknitzhöhe 35 statt.

Die Sitzung ist notwendig, da die letzte Vollversammlung leider aus formalen Gründen nicht in der Lage war, die Satzung zu ändern.

Details der Sitzung inklusive der Tagesordnung sind in der Einladung zu finden.


Alle Wohnheime
Written by Felix Kluge, 2016-09-27. Permalink 

Am 12.10.2016 um 20 Uhr findet die nächste Vollversammlung der AG DSN im NOC auf der Räcknitzhöhe 35 statt.

Details der Sitzung inklusive der Tagesordnung sind in der Einladung zu finden.

Open day on 1st of October

All students houses
Written by Friedrich, 2016-09-20. Permalink 

To speed up the registering of all the new people arriving for the new semester, our offices at Wundtstraße 5 and Hochschulstraße 46 will be open all day on Saturday (2016-10-01).

But not only new members are welcome, we are always looking for new volunteers. f you would like to see and learn how a network for 3000 users is run, have a look! There will be tours through our tech rooms and waffles at Wundtstraße.

And here some buzzwords describing our current projects: Fibres, OSPF, IPv6, WiFi, 80 GHz radio, virtualization, Docker, Python, online registration.

Office Hours September

Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße
Written by Willi Meißner, 2016-09-01. Permalink 

Because of the university vacation there will be less office hours during September. You will find our office houres below.

date Wundtstraße 5 Hochschulstraße 46 Borsbergstraße 34
2016-09-05 7.00pm – 8.00pm 7.00pm – 7.30pm 8.00pm – 9.00pm
2016-09-12 7.00pm – 8.00pm 7.00pm – 7.30pm 8.00pm – 9.00pm
2016-09-19 7.00pm – 8.00pm 7.00pm – 7.30pm 8.00pm – 9.00pm
2016-09-26 7.00pm – 8.00pm 7.00pm – 7.30pm 8.00pm – 9.00pm

Bad Internet connection

Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Zeunerstraße
Written by Willi Meißner, 2016-09-01. Permalink 

We are currently experiencing some problems with the stability and speed of our network.

We are trying our best to get into contact with the ZIH (TUD) for a quick solution.

Update: There was a problem with the connection from the ZIH between Weberbau and Trefftzbau. It should be fixed since friday, 2016-09-09.

No office hours on Thursday 08/25/2016

Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße
Written by Willi Meißner, 2016-08-24. Permalink 

On Thursday, 08/25/2016, there will be no office hours at all of our locations.

Office Hours Semester Break Summer 2016

Written by Tobias Baumann, 2016-08-22. Permalink 

From 2016-08-22 to 2016-09-30 there will be no office hours on Thursdays in the Hochschulstraße. On 2019-09-01 there will be an exception because of the arrival of new tennants.

Office hours on Mondays and Email Support will continue as usual.

AG DSN wishes its members and all students a relaxing semester break.


Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße
Written by Jan Braje, 2016-08-03. Permalink 

Am 17.08.2016 um 20 Uhr findet die nächste Vollversammlung im NOC auf der Räcknitzhöhe 35 statt. Die geplante Sitzungsdauer ist 2h.


  1. Begrüßung und Formalia
  2. Abwahl des stellvertretenden Schatzmeisters Kevin Hildebrandt
  3. Für den Fall einer erfolgreichen Abwahl die Nachwahl des Vorstandspostens stellvertretender Schatzmeister
  4. Handlungsempfehlung an den Vorstand über eine mögliche, außerordentliche Mitgliedschaftsbeendigung von Kevin Hildebrandt
  5. Sonstiges

Im Anschluss der Vollversammlung wird eine Vorstandssitzung abgehalten.

Kevin Hildebrandt wird eingeladen, sowohl an der Vollversammlung als auch an der Vorstandssitzung teilzuhaben.

Network outage Borsbergstraße

Written by Sebastian Geisler, 2016-08-02. Permalink 

Due to an issue with our radio link between the dormitories Wundtstraße and Borsbergstraße there has been a short network outage this morning. The issue is still under investigation, but all members should be able to access the internet again.

System Administrator Appreciation Day

Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße
Written by Operator, 2016-07-29. Permalink 

Today is System Administrator Appreciation Day. The day on which the brave warriors in the background are thanked. If a sysadmins does his job right you won't even notice that he is working. Everyday sysadmins are keeping the it infrastructure up and running. Your computer is working, your printer is jamm-free and the internet is stable. That's because you got an awesome sysadmin.

In the AG we have many people working unsalaried in this field and especially keeping the network up. Therefore, it is important to us to celebrate this day, not only for our admins but for all men and women who ensure that everything works.

So show your appreciation and buy your local admins from the student residencies, at university or work a drink or thank them. They deserve some appreciation for keeping the systems running in the background.

Sys Admins - Because even developer need hereos!

Constructions at Weberplatz

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße Gerokstraße Borsbergstraße Hochschulstraße
Written by Peter Hamann, 2016-07-25. Permalink 

Due to planned construction work by TU Dresden, the network connection of the Weberplatz will be interrupted on 2016-07-27 from 5 to 9 PM, causing a disconnection from the university network, and thus the internet.

The following buildings will be affected:

  • Student facilities (AG DSN, Studentenwerk)
  • Weberplatz
  • Guest House Weberplatz
  • SLUB Departement Bebel-Straße
  • August-Bebel-Straße (18, 20 Building 83/94, 32 IAD/FVZ - here, VoIP-Telefonie as well)
  • Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development
  • Drude-Bau
  • Medicinical Calculation Center (interruption of redundancy)
  • HTW (interruption of redundancy)

Website updated

Written by toothstone, 2016-07-02. Permalink 

Members living at Wundtstraße, Hochschulstraße and Zellescher Weg can now find a log of all financial transfers, members living at Hochschulstraße may change their password online, and we have tweaked the traffic informations display.

As allways, you can go through the details on github.

Firewall Outage

Written by Christoph Kepler, 2016-06-23. Permalink 

Unfortunately today around 6pm the internet access in the Hochschulstraße went down. The university network still works so internet access should work over the VPN in emergencies.
We are currently working on the problem and hope we can recover quickly.


Zeunerstraße Gerokstraße Borsbergstraße
Written by toothstone, 2016-06-08. Permalink 

Update: Friday afternoon there will be short interruptions at Borsberg- and Gerokstraße, we need to replace some power supplies at Wundtstraße 3.

During the next days we will work on our network infrastructure at Zeunerstraße 1f and Gerokstraße 38, which will cause (hopefully short) outages.

  • 8th of June, Wednesday, 5pm to 6pm: We will try to solve the current MTU related issue at Zeunerstraße.
  • 9th of June, Thursday, 9:45am to 10:15am: Upgrade of the uplink for Zeunerstraße to 1Gbps (from 100Mbps).
  • 11th of June, Saturday, from 11am: We will swap out the radio link mounting at Gerokstraße. We will try to provide a secondary radio link to keep the outages short.

Zentrale Routerprobleme

Zeunerstraße Gerokstraße
Written by Felix Kluge, 2016-06-03. Permalink 

Aktuell haben wir Probleme mit der Anbindung der Zeunerstraße und der Gerokstraße. Wir versuchen die Probleme so schnell wie möglich in den Griff zu bekommen.


Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße
On 2016-05-25. Permalink 

Am 08.06.2016 um 20 Uhr findet die nächste Vollversammlung im NOC in der Räcknitzhöhe 35 statt. Die geplante Sitzungsdauer ist 3h.


  1. Begrüßung und Formalia
  2. Änderung der Teamordnung
    • Streichen der Finanzierung von Teams (§ 7) aus der Teamordnung
    • Streichen der Einschränkung für stellvertretende Teamsprecher Vorstandsposten zu bekleiden (§6 Abs. 7)
  3. Wahl des Vorstands
  4. Entlastung des alten Vorstands
  5. Nachtragshaushalt
  6. Sonstiges
    • Meinungsaustausch Beitragsbefreiung für Mitglieder

Nach aktuellem Stand stellen sich (unverbindlich) folgende Personen zur Wahl:

  • Vorstandsvorsitzender: Felix Kluge
  • Stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender: Jan Braje
  • Schatzmeister: Denni Keller
  • Stellvertretender Schatzmeister: Kevin Hildebrandt
  • Fünftes Vorstandsmitglied: Tobias Baumann
  • Sechstes Vorstandsmitglied: Sebastian Trebbin

No office hours

Borsbergstraße Hochschulstraße Zeunerstraße Gerokstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by toothstone, 2016-05-24. Permalink 

Unfortunately we can't offer any office hours on Thursday, 2016-05-26. Please get in touch via email or our contact form.

Maintenance campus network

Borsbergstraße Hochschulstraße Zeunerstraße Gerokstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Tobias Baumann, 2016-05-24. Permalink 

On Tuesday, 2016-05-31, there will be some maintenance work on the campus network (by ZIH). It could be possible some parts of our redundant connection not being available. Therefore, connection speed to the internet might be limited.

Router Outage Gerokstraße

Written by Felix Kluge, 2016-05-16. Permalink 

Sadly the router at Gerokstraße caused a network outage in the afternoon. All services should be back to normal right now.

Member BBQ - Hochschulstraße

Written by Christoph Kepler, 2016-05-08. Permalink 

Again this semester the AG DSN will host at the Hochschulstraße a BBQ for their Members there.

It will take place on the 10th May 2016 at 6pm in front of the Club 11.

We will provide you like always with grilled food and alcoholic beverages. Furthermore you have a chance to inform yourself what we do.

This semester is the first time held a scavenger hunt in which you can win great prizes, and at the same time get to know the AG more closely.

You can find the vouchers from today in your mailboxes at Hochschulstraße.

On our Facebook Page you can find further information.

Division Assembly

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Lukas Juhrich, 2016-05-06. Permalink 

Since the CEO of the division Wundtstraße stepped back, the position has to be filled again. Therefore, we will hold a division assembly on May 25th, 20:30 in our NOC on the Räcknitzhöhe. The Agenda only covers the election of the CEO.

Everybody is invited to join.

NOC: Räcknitzhöhe 35, 01217 Dresden


Hochschulstraße International Guesthouse
Written by Tobias Baumann, 2016-05-02. Permalink 

At 14 May 2016, we catch up on necessary software updates on our network hardware at Hochschulstraße and the international Guesthouse. Short network outages may occur from 12:00 to 18:00.


Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Zeunerstraße
Written by Felix Kluge, 2016-04-29. Permalink 

On the 1st of May short network outages may occur due to necessary software updates on our hardware. The updates may start at 11:00.

Website update

Written by Lukas Juhrich, 2016-04-16. Permalink 

After three months, we finally upgraded our self-written website.

As a whole, we have added over 3000 new lines of code. Besides important automated tests we improved the traffic charts – the units are more consistent, and apart from that, the exact amount of traffic is contained in tooltips.

Neue Ergänzungssatzung Sektion Hochschulstraße

Written by Tobias Baumann, 2016-04-14. Permalink 

Auf der gestrigen Sektionsversammlung haben wir eine neue Ergänzungssatzung und eine neue Netzordnung verabschiedet. Die Beitragsordnung der AG DSN ist nun auch in unserer Satzung verankert. Die aktualisierten Dokumente findet ihr unter Rechtliches.

General assembly

Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße
On 2016-04-13. Permalink 

On April 27, 2016 at 8pm we have our next general assembly in our Räcknitzhöhe office.

We will discuss the merger of our Borsbergstraße, Gerokstraße, Wundtstraße and Zeunerstraße divisions and decide on changes of our constitution.

More details can be found in the official invitation (German only).

Division assembly

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Lukas Juhrich, 2016-04-06. Permalink 

On Wednesday, April 20th 2016, the division Wundtstraße will hold an assembly at the NOC in the “Universa-Haus” on the Räcknitzhöhe. A new treasurer needs to be elected and the division's membership fee regulation requires revision due to being superseded by the general membership fee regulation of the AG DSN.

Bad Internet connection

Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Zeunerstraße
Written by Jan Braje, 2016-04-04. Permalink 

We are currently experiencing some problems with the stability and speed of our network.

We are trying our best to find the errors and are in contact with the ZIH (TUD) for a quick solution.

Update: The cause of the problems is a construction site at Barkhausenbau, our uplink is currently limited to 1Gbps. ZIH hopes to reestablish the usual 10Gbps connection by Thursday.

Network Outage Zeunerstraße

Written by Felix Kluge, 2016-04-04. Permalink 

During a modification of the infrastructure at Zeunerstraße 1f some problems appeared in the past view days.

All problems are solved by now. If there are any further issues, please contact us.

Office hours April 1st

Borsbergstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by toothstone, 2016-03-31. Permalink 

To speed up the registering of all the new people arriving at Borsbergstraße, Wundtstraße and Zellescher Weg, our office at Wundtstraße 5 will be open on Friday (2016-04-01) from 10am to 6pm.

But not only new members are welcome, we are always looking for new volunteers. If you would like to see and learn how a network for 3000 users is run, have a look!

Sektionsversammlung Hochschulstraße

Written by Tobias Baumann, 2016-03-30. Permalink 

Am 13.04.2016 findet ab 20 Uhr eine außerordentliche Sektionsversammlung statt, um unter anderem die neue Beitragsordnung in unserer Sektionssatzung zu verankern.


Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Zeunerstraße
Written by Jan Braje, 2016-03-30. Permalink 

Wir werden am 30.3. um 20:00 Uhr einen Spieleabend bei uns im NOC veranstalten.

Wir möchten gerne jedes Mitglied der AG DSN (und gerne auch alle anderen interessierten Studenten) einladen zu kommen. Spielt mit und lernt uns besser kennen :)

NOC: Räcknitzhöhe 35, 01217 Dresden

New finance regulation

Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Zeunerstraße
Written by Felix Wollert, 2016-03-20. Permalink 

According to the plenary meeting on March 9th, a new, uniform finance regulation will take effect from April 1st 2016. Beforehand, amount and mode of the contributions differed depending on the local division of the AG DSN.

Summary: The simplest method for you to pay is to transfer 21€ to the respective bank account at the beginning of each semester.


  • Contributions are due monthly
  • The contributions are due the last day of each month
  • If the membership starts after the 14th of a month, the contribution for this month is omitted
  • The contribution amount is 3.50€, which is equivalent to 21€ per semester

The main motivation for this change is to make the contributions more uniform and fair. Members who stay only for a few months will only have to pay for the time they are actually using the network, no registration fee is due anymore.

Furthermore we are working hard to establish the same high-quality (gigabit to each room) network everywhere, especially at the formerly cheaper Gerok-, Borsberg- and Zeunerstraße. We have already put substantial effort into these upgrades.

Finally, uniform regulations will help us to save on time spent on administrative tasks, so that we can provide faster responses on support inquiries and work more on technical improvements.

You can find the full regulation here, please feel free to contact us.

Hardware upgrade

Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2016-03-14. Permalink 

Today from 7pm onward we will swap out the active components of our network at Zeunerstraße. This will result in network outages, as always we will try to keep these at a minimum.

After restructuring the cabling at Zeunerstraße lately, we now follow up with the active components. Our aim is the introduction of a unified administration for the majority of the students' network, to make sure we can offer you short support response times and a reliable network in the future. If you have any questions, please get in contact!

Plenary Meeting on 9th of March, 2016

Hochschulstraße Gerokstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Borsbergstraße Zeunerstraße
Written by Jan Braje, 2016-02-22. Permalink 

We are inviting all our members to our plenary meeting. Meeting location will be our new office: NOC (Räcknitzhöhe 35, 01217 Dresden) Time: 19:00

You can see the agenda here.

Fibre optics availability - a comparison

Hochschulstraße Gerokstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Borsbergstraße Zeunerstraße
Written by Jan Braje, 2016-02-22. Permalink 

Hey technophiles, finally Germany has managed to get into the FTTH Council rankings for the first time. You can read more about what this means and how the development of fibre optic infrastructure is going in this article.

Fun Fact: We have been using fiber optics in our student halls now for years ;)

Upcoming network outage

Hochschulstraße Gerokstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Borsbergstraße
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2016-02-17. Permalink 

On 2016-02-19 around 7pm we will perform a crucial security update on our core switch, which will cause a network outage for a few minutes. Please have a look at our twitter stream ( for live information.

Sektionssitzung im NOC

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Hochschulstraße
Written by Lukas Juhrich, 2016-01-27. Permalink 

Dear Members,

The meetings of divisions Hochschulstraße and Wundtstraße / Zellescher Weg will for once be held commonly in the new, although unfinished, Network Operations Center (Räcknitzhöhe 35, 01217 Dresden).

They will start no later than 8:30PM.


New Constitution

Written by Jan Braje, 2015-12-18. Permalink 

Dear members,

on our plenary meeting on 25th of November (2015) we agreed on a new statute. Yesterday it was confirmed by the Studentenrat of TU Dresden therefore being legal from now on.

Yours, AG DSN

New constitution of division Wundtstraße

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Lukas Juhrich, 2015-12-17. Permalink 

Dear members,

Based on the decision of our December 9th Sektionsversammlung, the division Wundtstraße now has a new additional constitution which you can access here. This does not imply notable changes for you. The intention of the new constitution was to simplify juristical concerns, since all relevant things are covered by our general constitution

Your AG DSN.

Office hours during the holidays

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Felix Wollert, 2015-12-17. Permalink 

Tonight at 7pm will be the last office hours for this year in our office division Wundtstraße/Zellescher Weg. There will be no office hours during the holidays, the next one will be on the 4th of January. If you need support with your network connection, write us using the contact form.

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new Year!

Uplink unavailable

Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2015-12-10. Permalink 

It seems like the university's connection to the internet is unavailable at the moment, which means only local services are available right now. We are investigating and will try to keep you updated.

Update: Connectivity returned 2015-12-10T01:25, everything should be back to normal by now.


Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Felix Kluge, 2015-12-08. Permalink 

On 09.12.2015 at 8:30pm the assembly of Sektion Wundtstraße will take place at Wundtstraße 5 in the basement. Main goal is the simplification of our constitution.

Account suspensions due to payment default

Written by Sebastian Schrader, 2015-11-28. Permalink 

All accounts of members in Wundtstraße and Zellescher Weg, that are in payment default for more than 31 days, have been suspended.

Please transfer the overdue semester constribution (incl. late fee) to our bank account. Because it can take a few days until we receive your money, you can contact us directly, to be re-enabled immediately.

Network outage Borsbergstraße

Written by Felix Kluge, 2015-11-26. Permalink 

Dear members,

due to the rollout of two new switches at Borsbergstraße 34 there may be short network outages in the residential home.

General assembly

Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße
On 2015-11-11. Permalink 

On 2015-11-25 at 8pm our general assembly will take place in the Max-Kade-Foyer at dormitory Gutzkowstraße. We will discuss and decide on changes in our constitution, creating new organizational units ("teams") and our current and future legal standing. More details are given in the official invitation (German only).

Network outage

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Borsbergstraße
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2015-11-04. Permalink 

Due to still unknown reasons there has been a short network outage this morning. The issue is still under investigation, but all users should be able to access the internet again.

Upgrade Uplink Borsbergstraße

Written by Felix Kluge, 2015-10-30. Permalink 

We are going to upgrade the wireless link to 80 GHz. The new device is going to provide a 1000 Mbit uplink in contrast to our current 300 Mbit device. There may be short network outages at the residential home on 2015-10-30.


On 2015-10-30. Permalink 

Liebe Mitglieder,

am 04.11.2014 findet ab 20 Uhr unsere jährliche Sektionsversammlung statt. Interessierte Nutzer laden wir hierzu gern in unser Büro im Keller der Hochschulstr. 46 ein. Neben der Zusammenfassung unserer Arbeit des letzten Jahres werden die Sektionsbeauftragten entlastet und neu gewählt.

Eure AG DSN Sektion Hochschulstraße


On 2015-10-30. Permalink 

Dear members,

for everyone not having paid his semester fees it will be the last chance to do so: everybody not having paid by next Wednesday will be blocked ;)

Kind regards, Janluak

General assembly of division Wundtstraße

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by toothstone, 2015-10-28. Permalink 

On wednesday, the 11th of November 2015, at 8:30 pm the annual elections for division Wundtstraße will take place in the Partykeller at Wundtstraße 5. All members of AG DSN are welcome.

Technical Problems

Written by Felix Kluge, 2015-10-26. Permalink 

Since yesterday (2015-10-25), the netzwork connection at Gerokstraße experienced outages. The DHCP-server of the dormitory did not work properly. We fixed the issues about noon, the connection should be stable again.

Open day

Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by toothstone, 2015-09-24. Permalink 

To speed up the registering of all the new people arriving at Borsbergstraße, Gerokstraße, Wundtstraße and Zellescher Weg, our offices at Wundtstraße 5 and Borsbergstraße 34 will be open on thursday (2015-10-01) from 9 am to 8 pm.

But not only new members are welcome, we are always looking for new volunteers. If you would like to see and learn how a network for 3000 users is run, have a look! There will be tours through our tech rooms.

Office Opening Hours
Wundtstraße 5 9am to 8pm, waffles inclusive!
Borsbergstraße 34 12am bis 8pm (no waffles)

New website now online

Written by toothstone, 2015-09-22. Permalink 

As you probably can see: Our all-new website went online!

Let it be said that certain information in the help pages might be missing, we are working on completing them in the next days. Also, some functions may not have been implemented yet for certain dormitories.

Besides the basic redesign, completely new features have been added. When logged in, you can change your password, mail forward and mac address, and you can contact us easily using the contact form.

Besides: The source code of this site is freely available! You can find it at github.

Power outage Wu3

Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Wundtstraße 3
Written by toothstone, 2015-09-15. Permalink 

On Thursday (2015-09-17) the Studentenwerk is going to check the electric installations at Wundtstraße 3 on floor 0-9 and 11-16, which will cause power outages between 9 and 12am. Our network will also be affected since our switches are located at floor 4, 11 and 16. Due to the radiolink on the roof of Wu3 the dormitories Borsberg- and Gerokstraße will also be affected.

Büroöffnungszeiten während der Semesterferien

Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2015-08-09. Permalink 

Liebe Mitglieder,

bis zum 30.09.2015 wird das Büro in der Hochschulstraße am Donnerstag geschlossen bleiben. Als einzige Ausnahme ist am Donnerstag den 03.09.2015 geöffnet.

Bei Fragen und Problemen könnt ihr uns aber auch weiterhin über unser Support-Formular kontaktieren oder Montags zu unseren Öffnungszeiten vorbeikommen.

Erholsame Semesterferien, Eure AG DSN


Written by Alexander Köhler, 2015-07-08. Permalink 

Liebe Mitglieder,

am 08.07.2015, 19:00 findet die Nutzerversammlung in der Zeunerstraße statt. Alle Internetnutzer des Wohnheimes sind herzlich eingeladen vorbeizuschauen! Für das leibliche Wohl ist gesorgt.


Cryptoparty beim FSR Informatik

Written by Joshua Blöcker, 2015-06-22. Permalink 

Liebe Mitglieder,

der Fachschaftsrat Informatik veranstalltet am kommenden Mittwoch, den 24. Juni, ab 17:15 im E023, eine Cryptoparty. Dort könnt ihr lernen, wie ihr eure Mails verschlüsselt, wie ihr anonym(er) im Netz unterwegs seid, ...

Weitere Informationen gibt es auf der Website des Fachschaftsrates.


Änderung Mail- und Webserveradresse

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Joshua Blöcker, 2015-06-10. Permalink 

Liebe Mitglieder,

wir haben intern ein wenig umgestellt, daher ist der Mailserver für Bewohner der Wundtstraße und des Zelleschen Weges ab sofort unter verfügbar, und nicht mehr unter . Die Website ist nur noch unter erreichbar.


Netzausfall Gerokstraße

On 2015-06-06. Permalink 

Liebe Mitglieder,

durch Umbauarbeiten auf dem Dach des Studentenwohnheims Wundstraße 3 ist es zu einer unvorhergesehenden Unterbrechung der Internetanbindung gekommen. Wir versuchen das Problem möglichst schnell zu lösen.