Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


Office hours canceled on May 9th (public holiday)

All members
Written by Jakob Müller, 2024-05-06. Permalink 

The office hours on May 9th, 2024 will be canceled due to the public holiday. There will also be no telephone support during this time.

If you have any problems, you can of course still use our contact form.

As we currently do not have enough volunteers, there are only limited office hours.
Do you want to change that? Then come along to a team meeting of the Office and Support Team (BuS) - or to one of the future office hours. (You don’t need a technical background to help other members…)

April at AG DSN

All members
Written by Gregor Düster, 2024-05-03. Permalink 

What does the AG DSN actually do? Below a few highlights from the past month April.

On April 7th, a few active members met at the NOC, our large office, for Tux sewing. Fabrics were bought the day before. The goal was to manufacture two penguins, a blue and a orange one.

🖼️ The meeting room in the NOC where the sewing took place

🖼️ The blue and the orange Tux on a couch in the NOC

Orange, that's the color of the student network „Selfnet“. On April 13th, it celebrated it's 25th anniversary, five active members of the AG DSN took part. During the event, the orange Tux found a new home.

🖼️ The orange Tux looking out of the train window on it's way to Stuttgart

Last but not least, a bit more technical topic: for internal communication, the AG DSN runs a Mattermost as well as a XMPP server, Prosŏdy. Starting from April 16th, a Coturn joined the Prosŏdy to provide STUN as well as TURN functionality. With these services in place, active members can now initiate audio and video calls via XMPP.

Not mentioned in this post are the numerous unspectecular tasks, being accomplished everyday: answering email tickets, providing support in person, bank imports and many more.

Want to contribute to the student network yourself? Visit us at one of our team meetings! In case you have questions, reach out to us via email to

WLAN at Partyraum Wundtstraße 7

Written by Emilio Leuoth, 2024-01-15. Permalink 

agdsn-WLAN is now available at Partyraum Wundtstraße 7.

Have fun partying, your AG DSN!

Office hours during the holidays

Written by Markus Helbig, 2023-12-13. Permalink 

Over the holidays at the turn of the year we will be available for you via our ticket system and email (

We will be available for personal support in our offices and via telephone (0351 89670993) until (including) 2023-12-18 and from 2023-01-04 on.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year!

Announcement of General Assembly

All members
Written by Markus Ziehe, 2023-11-29. Permalink 

On 2023-12-13 at 7pm the next General Assembly of AG DSN will take place online.

We will vote on a budget for 2023.

Members of AG DSN can find the full details and agenda in the invitation, but unfortunately only in German.

BBQ for members on October 19th

Office Wundtstraße 5
Written by Alexander Lindner, 2023-10-17. Permalink 

You have any questions regarding your network connection or you want to get to know the persons who take care of the network in your dormitory?

We, the AG DSN, invite you to our yearly BBQ for our members. With this we want to thank all our members for your understanding when there is maintenance work that needs to be done.

Where: Office Wundtstraße 5 When: October 19th starting 6PM
The food is free for all of our members (there are also vegetarian/vegan options). For a better overview of how many members are participating please sign in here.

Schnupper- & Pizza-Sitzung am 24. Oktober

Network Operations Center
Written by Jakob Müller, 2023-10-14. Permalink 

Das Team Network lädt am 24. Oktober um 18 Uhr zu einer Schnuppersitzung in unserem Network Operations Center (NOC, Räcknitzhöhe 35) ein.

Wir bestellen Pizza für alle und geben euch einen Einblick in die Technik und den Alltag der AG DSN. Im Anschluss gibt es eine Technikführung durch unsere Netzwerk- und Serverräume in der Wundtstraße.

Für kühle Getränke ist ebenfalls gesorgt.

Wenn du teilnehmen möchtest, würden wir uns freuen wenn du dich kurz hier einträgst, damit wir die Teilnehmerzahl ungefähr abschätzen können.

Du kannst an dem Termin nicht oder möchtest schon vorher vorbeikommen? Wirf gerne einen Blick in unseren Sitzungskalender. Wir freuen uns immer über neue Gäste.

Support hours during the move-in period

All dormitories
Written by Markus Helbig, 2023-10-02. Permalink 

In order to swiftly provide all new tenants of the dormitories with help regarding AG DSN membership and network connection, we open our doors this week as follows:

Monday, October 2nd, 2023:

  • Office Hochschulstraße 50: 7PM-8PM
  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 6PM-8PM

Wednesday, October 4th, 2023:

  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 4PM-7PM

Thursday, October 5th, 2023:

  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 3PM-8PM

During these times, you can also reach us by phone (+49 351 89670993) or by mail (

Change of our wifi access data

WiFi Internationales Gästehaus
Written by Markus Ziehe, 2023-09-16. Permalink 

The required configuration for our WiFi's "agdsn" as well as "IGH" must be adjusted until November 13, 2023.

Important: This does not affect the WiFi that your router emits! It only affects "agdsn" and "IGH".

In order to use our WiFi without interruption, you should take action now by changing the following entries in your WiFi configuration:

  • The Anonymous identity is now "". Other entries are not permitted and will not work.
  • If CA certificate has been set, it must either be configured to use the system certificates (depending on the operating system, this option may be called "Use system certificates") or a new certificate must be downloaded and selected.

Starting from November 13, 2023, other configurations will no longer work and will result in the WiFi being no longer usable until the configuration has been adjusted.

You can find more information about the setup of our WiFi including an installation wizard on the corresponding information page.

Announcement of General Assembly

Alle Mitglieder
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2023-09-04. Permalink 

On 19.09.2023 at 7PM the next general assembly of the AG DSN will take place.

Topics of the meeting are the election of a new executive board, the resolution of an updated budget plan, as well as changes of our constitution and team rules.

Full details of the meeting, including the agenda, are available to members in the invitation.

Cancellation of tomorrows's office hour

All members
Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2023-08-30. Permalink 

Sadly, the office hour (2023-08-31) will be cancelled.

If you experience any problems, our ticket system and our email support at are of course still available.

Since we are currently short on volunteers, only limited office hours are held.
You want to change that? Then come to a team meeting of the team Office & Support (BuS) – or to one of the future office hours. (You do not need a technical background to help other members …)