Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz

Membership contribution

As a member, you have to transfer a monthly contribution to our bank account. Paying cash is not possible. The contribution is due at the end of each month.

From the 1st of April 2018 the monthly contribution is 5€.

You can pay as much in advance as you want, we will simply subtract the monthly contribution at the end of each month. If you made a mistake or the amount changes, simply transfer the necessary difference to match a multiple of the monthly contribution. You don't need to notify us in this case.

We recommend that you pay at the beginning of each semester in advance, meaning you transact six monthly contributions at once.

If you haven't transacted the contribution 14 days after its due date, we will block your network access. After 62 days, we will terminate your membership.

If you're blocked although you have paid, please come to our offices during our office hours and bring a bank account statement with you which mentions the transfer.

A detailed description can be found in our finance regulation.

Payment details#

If you are logged in, visit your usersuite to see your personal payment details.

Otherwise use the details below.

Please take care to enter the correct purpose/description/intended use, so that we can match your payment to your account.

Contributions and Fees

Monthly contribution 5,00 €
alternatively: whole semester 30,00 € (6x 5,00 €)

Payment Information

Beneficiary StuRa TUD - AG DSN
Bank Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden
IBAN Can be found in our Usersuite
Purpose, Description, Intended Use, Reference User-ID, Full Name, Building/Room
Example: 12345-78, Kim Human, FL16 02 51
When visiting via your DSN connection, your User-ID can be found here.

Intended use#

The contributions of all members are managed by us.

The network has to be maintained, we need spare parts for the servers and other network hardware so that we can ensure that every service is working.

Each year we pass a budget at our general assembly, which distributes the money among our different teams and organizational units.

If you are having any further questions, feel free to come by and ask.

Case of hardship#

Our executive board may reduce or waive the membership contribution in cases of hardship (see also Legal ⇒ Constitution of AG DSN, §6(2)). Please get in touch with the executive board.