Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


New constitution of division Wundtstraße

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Lukas Juhrich, 2015-12-17. Permalink 

Dear members,

Based on the decision of our December 9th Sektionsversammlung, the division Wundtstraße now has a new additional constitution which you can access here. This does not imply notable changes for you. The intention of the new constitution was to simplify juristical concerns, since all relevant things are covered by our general constitution

Your AG DSN.

Office hours during the holidays

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Felix Wollert, 2015-12-17. Permalink 

Tonight at 7pm will be the last office hours for this year in our office division Wundtstraße/Zellescher Weg. There will be no office hours during the holidays, the next one will be on the 4th of January. If you need support with your network connection, write us using the contact form.

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new Year!

Uplink nicht verfügbar

Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2015-12-10. Permalink 

Es hat den Anschein, dass die Internetverbindung der TU momentan nicht funktioniert. Dies bedeutet, dass nur Lokale Dienste Verfügbar sind. Wir versuchen, euch auf dem aktuellen Stand zu halten.

Update: Die Verbindung ist 2015-12-10T01:25 wiederhergestellt worden, alles sollte nun wieder funktionieren.


Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Felix Kluge, 2015-12-08. Permalink 

On 09.12.2015 at 8:30pm the assembly of Sektion Wundtstraße will take place at Wundtstraße 5 in the basement. Main goal is the simplification of our constitution.

Account suspensions due to payment default

Written by Sebastian Schrader, 2015-11-28. Permalink 

All accounts of members in Wundtstraße and Zellescher Weg, that are in payment default for more than 31 days, have been suspended.

Please transfer the overdue semester constribution (incl. late fee) to our bank account. Because it can take a few days until we receive your money, you can contact us directly, to be re-enabled immediately.

Network outage Borsbergstraße

Written by Felix Kluge, 2015-11-26. Permalink 

Dear members,

due to the rollout of two new switches at Borsbergstraße 34 there may be short network outages in the residential home.


Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße
On 2015-11-10. Permalink 

Am 25.11.2015 findet eine Vollversammlung der AG DSN um 20:00 Uhr im Max-Kade-Foyer des Wohnheims Gutzkowstraße statt. Wir besprechen eine Satzungsänderung, die Schaffung von Teams als Organe der AG DSN und diskutieren unsere aktuelle Rechtsform. Details finden sich in der Einladung.