Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


Results of the general assembly

All members
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2018-04-19. Permalink 

Yesterday we elected a new executive board.

5th and 6th board members are now Lena Jurkschat and Anna Elisa Theumer, the treasurer and vice treasurer are Willi Meißner and Florian Lamprecht, the chairman and vice chairman are Friedrich Zahn and Simon Hanisch.

Furthermore a supplementary budget was passed, and changes to our constitution and regulations were made.

The changed constitution needs to get approval of the Studentenrat of TU Dresden before taking effect.

The minutes and updated documents will be made public once available.

Update 2018-05-08: The minutes are now available in the minutes section. The changes to the team regulations are online as well. The changes to our constitution have to get approval of the Studentenrat before they take effect.