Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


System Administrator Appreciation Day

Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße
Written by Operator, 2016-07-29. Permalink 

Today is System Administrator Appreciation Day. The day on which the brave warriors in the background are thanked. If a sysadmins does his job right you won't even notice that he is working. Everyday sysadmins are keeping the it infrastructure up and running. Your computer is working, your printer is jamm-free and the internet is stable. That's because you got an awesome sysadmin.

In the AG we have many people working unsalaried in this field and especially keeping the network up. Therefore, it is important to us to celebrate this day, not only for our admins but for all men and women who ensure that everything works.

So show your appreciation and buy your local admins from the student residencies, at university or work a drink or thank them. They deserve some appreciation for keeping the systems running in the background.

Sys Admins - Because even developer need hereos!