Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


If you have problems with your network connection, you can:

Phone hotline#

We operate a support hotline under the telephone number +49 351 89670993. You can see whether the hotline is currently available by looking at the sidebar on the right or at the bottom (on mobile devices). When there is a green dot besides the telephone number, the hotline is available.

Office hours#

Consultation hours take place in our offices at the following times:

Borsbergstraße 34 (7th floor) Every Monday 7pm – 8pm
  Thursday in odd CW 7pm – 8pm
Hochschulstraße 50 (ground floor) Every Monday 7pm – 8pm
  Every Thursday 7pm – 8pm
Wundtstraße 5 (ground floor) Every Monday 7pm – 8pm
  Thursday in even CW 7pm – 8pm
Hotline Every Monday 7pm – 8pm
  Every Thursday 7pm – 8pm

Since we are currently short of volunteers, only limited office hours are held. You want to change that? Then come to a team meeting of the team office and support (BuS).

Please check the news for exception of these office hours.