Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


The central meeting place for our active members and teams is the NOC (Network Operations Center) at Räcknitzhöhe 35, right next to the tram stop.

Additionally, you can also participate in the meetings via BigBlueButton.

At AG DSN we are working in 6 different teams supervised by the Executive Board. Every team is in charge of its own tasks; to deal with these we meet up regularly.

Executive Board#

All topics not covered by teams will be discussed at the executive board or be passed to our general assembly ("Vollversammlung").

Executive Board Communication & public relations, general administration, finances, politics & policies Thu. 8:00 pm, even calendar weeks NOC and BigBlueButton

Technical Teams#

Network active & passive network hardware, network protocols, structure of network Tue. 7:30 pm, uneven calendar weeks NOC and BigBlueButton
Computing serverhardware & equipment like NAS, virtualization software Tue. 7:30 pm, even calendar weeks (cw mod 4 = 2) NOC and BigBlueButton
Services applications and runtime environments Tue. 7:30 pm, even calendar weeks (cw mod 4 = 0) NOC and BigBlueButton
Information security securing our systems and supporting other teams regarding IT-security Mo. 8:30 pm, once a month (cw mod 4 = 1) NOC und BigBlueButton

Organizational Teams#

Office & Support administration of offices and organization of our support Wed. 7:30 pm, uneven calendar weeks NOC and BigBlueButton
Festivities planning of annual dinners and christmas parties Mon. 6:00 pm, even calendar weeks NOC and BigBlueButton

Participating: If you ever wanted to participate in a student network and impact the lifestyle of one, you are very welcome to join one (or more) of our team meetings. Otherwise just send us an email.