Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


Zentrale Routerprobleme

Zeunerstraße Gerokstraße
Written by Felix Kluge, 2016-06-03. Permalink 

Aktuell haben wir Probleme mit der Anbindung der Zeunerstraße und der Gerokstraße. Wir versuchen die Probleme so schnell wie möglich in den Griff zu bekommen.


Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Hochschulstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße
On 2016-05-25. Permalink 

Am 08.06.2016 um 20 Uhr findet die nächste Vollversammlung im NOC in der Räcknitzhöhe 35 statt. Die geplante Sitzungsdauer ist 3h.


  1. Begrüßung und Formalia
  2. Änderung der Teamordnung
    • Streichen der Finanzierung von Teams (§ 7) aus der Teamordnung
    • Streichen der Einschränkung für stellvertretende Teamsprecher Vorstandsposten zu bekleiden (§6 Abs. 7)
  3. Wahl des Vorstands
  4. Entlastung des alten Vorstands
  5. Nachtragshaushalt
  6. Sonstiges
    • Meinungsaustausch Beitragsbefreiung für Mitglieder

Nach aktuellem Stand stellen sich (unverbindlich) folgende Personen zur Wahl:

  • Vorstandsvorsitzender: Felix Kluge
  • Stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender: Jan Braje
  • Schatzmeister: Denni Keller
  • Stellvertretender Schatzmeister: Kevin Hildebrandt
  • Fünftes Vorstandsmitglied: Tobias Baumann
  • Sechstes Vorstandsmitglied: Sebastian Trebbin

No office hours

Borsbergstraße Hochschulstraße Zeunerstraße Gerokstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by toothstone, 2016-05-24. Permalink 

Unfortunately we can't offer any office hours on Thursday, 2016-05-26. Please get in touch via email or our contact form.

Maintenance campus network

Borsbergstraße Hochschulstraße Zeunerstraße Gerokstraße Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Tobias Baumann, 2016-05-24. Permalink 

On Tuesday, 2016-05-31, there will be some maintenance work on the campus network (by ZIH). It could be possible some parts of our redundant connection not being available. Therefore, connection speed to the internet might be limited.

Router Outage Gerokstraße

Written by Felix Kluge, 2016-05-16. Permalink 

Sadly the router at Gerokstraße caused a network outage in the afternoon. All services should be back to normal right now.

Member BBQ - Hochschulstraße

Written by Christoph Kepler, 2016-05-08. Permalink 

Again this semester the AG DSN will host at the Hochschulstraße a BBQ for their Members there.

It will take place on the 10th May 2016 at 6pm in front of the Club 11.

We will provide you like always with grilled food and alcoholic beverages. Furthermore you have a chance to inform yourself what we do.

This semester is the first time held a scavenger hunt in which you can win great prizes, and at the same time get to know the AG more closely.

You can find the vouchers from today in your mailboxes at Hochschulstraße.

On our Facebook Page you can find further information.

Division Assembly

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg
Written by Lukas Juhrich, 2016-05-06. Permalink 

Since the CEO of the division Wundtstraße stepped back, the position has to be filled again. Therefore, we will hold a division assembly on May 25th, 20:30 in our NOC on the Räcknitzhöhe. The Agenda only covers the election of the CEO.

Everybody is invited to join.

NOC: Räcknitzhöhe 35, 01217 Dresden


Hochschulstraße International Guesthouse
Written by Tobias Baumann, 2016-05-02. Permalink 

At 14 May 2016, we catch up on necessary software updates on our network hardware at Hochschulstraße and the international Guesthouse. Short network outages may occur from 12:00 to 18:00.


Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Borsbergstraße Gerokstraße Zeunerstraße
Written by Felix Kluge, 2016-04-29. Permalink 

On the 1st of May short network outages may occur due to necessary software updates on our hardware. The updates may start at 11:00.

Website update

Written by Lukas Juhrich, 2016-04-16. Permalink 

After three months, we finally upgraded our self-written website.

As a whole, we have added over 3000 new lines of code. Besides important automated tests we improved the traffic charts – the units are more consistent, and apart from that, the exact amount of traffic is contained in tooltips.