Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


Constructions at Weberplatz

Wundtstraße Zellescher Weg Zeunerstraße Gerokstraße Borsbergstraße Hochschulstraße
Written by Peter Hamann, 2016-07-25. Permalink 

Due to planned construction work by TU Dresden, the network connection of the Weberplatz will be interrupted on 2016-07-27 from 5 to 9 PM, causing a disconnection from the university network, and thus the internet.

The following buildings will be affected:

  • Student facilities (AG DSN, Studentenwerk)
  • Weberplatz
  • Guest House Weberplatz
  • SLUB Departement Bebel-Straße
  • August-Bebel-Straße (18, 20 Building 83/94, 32 IAD/FVZ - here, VoIP-Telefonie as well)
  • Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development
  • Drude-Bau
  • Medicinical Calculation Center (interruption of redundancy)
  • HTW (interruption of redundancy)

Website updated

Written by toothstone, 2016-07-02. Permalink 

Members living at Wundtstraße, Hochschulstraße and Zellescher Weg can now find a log of all financial transfers, members living at Hochschulstraße may change their password online, and we have tweaked the traffic informations display.

As allways, you can go through the details on github.