Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


No office hours on Ascension Day

All dormitories
Written by Friedrich, 2017-05-24. Permalink 

Due to the holiday there will be no office hours on 2017-05-25. You can always reach us via mail or the contact form.

Ausfall einer Sprechstunde

Alle Mitglieder
Written by Gerrit Hinz, 2017-05-17. Permalink 

Aufgrund einer internen Veranstaltung fallen die Sprechstunden in der Borsbergstraße und der Wundtstraße aus. Die Sprechstunde in der Hochschulstraße 46 (Büro im Kellergeschoss) findet statt und steht allen Mitglieder offen.

Network outage Zeunerstraße 1f

Zeunerstraße 1f
Written by Felix Kluge, 2017-05-06. Permalink 

We're going to swap two devices at Zeunerstraße 1f on 07.05.2017 around 17:00 to 20:00. During this period connectivity issues and outages are expected.

This should fix some issues with our current setup at the building.

Update 2017-05-08 14:20: There are still problems with the new hardware, we are working on a solution.

Update 2017-05-10 11:20: The issue has been resolved yesterday evening.

Results of our general assembly

All members
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2017-04-26. Permalink 

As announced our general assembly took place 2017-04-19. A new executive board has been elected, and the divisions Gerokstraße, Hochschulstraße, Wundtstraße and Zeunerstraße have been superseded by our new centralised teams.

The complete minutes including the report of the old executive board can be found here, unfortunately both are only available in German.


Alle Wohnheime
Written by Felix Kluge, 2017-04-05. Permalink 

Am 19.04.2017 um 20 Uhr findet die nächste Vollversammlung der AG DSN im NOC auf der Räcknitzhöhe 35 statt.

Themen der Sitzung sind laut Einladung:

  • Umstrukturierung innerhalb der AG DSN
  • Vorstandswahlen

Details zur Sitzung inklusive der Tagesordnung sind in der Einladung zu finden.