Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


Reduced office hours on October 31st, 2024 (Reformation Day, regional holiday)

All dormitories
Written by Tim Pfeiffer, 2024-10-30. Permalink 

Due to lack of capacity and expected low demand, the office at Hochschulstraße 50 will stay closed on 31 October. The office at Wundtstraße 5 will be open for your requests as usual from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm and the support hotline will also be available at +49 351 89670993 during this time.

Otherwise you can also send us your requests at any time via e-mail at

Support hours during the move-in period

All dormitories
Written by Jonathan Beyer, 2024-09-25. Permalink 

In order to swiftly provide all new tenants of the dormitories with help regarding AG DSN membership and network connection, we open our doors next week as follows:

Monday, September 30th, 2024:

  • Office Hochschulstraße 50: 10AM-8PM
  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 10AM-8PM

Tuesday, October 1st, 2024:

  • Office Hochschulstraße 50: 10AM-7PM
  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 10AM-7PM

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024:

  • Office Hochschulstraße 50: 10AM-7PM
  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 10AM-7PM

Thursday, October 3rd, 2024:

  • Office Hochschulstraße 50: 7PM-8PM
  • Office Wundtstraße 5: 7PM-8PM

During these times, you can also reach us by phone (+49 351 89670993) or by mail (

Announcement of General Assembly

Alle Mitglieder
Written by Markus Ziehe, 2024-09-15. Permalink 

On 16.10.2024 at 7PM the next general assembly of the AG DSN will take place.

Topic of the meeting is the election of a new executive board.

Full details of the meeting, including the agenda, are available to members in the invitation.

Support in den Einzugstagen

Alle Mitglieder
Written by Rouven Seifert, 2024-09-02. Permalink 

Um allen Neuankömmlingen bei Problemen mit der AG DSN-Mitgliedschaft oder dem Netzanschluss möglichst schnell helfen zu können, haben unsere Büros diese Woche wie folgt geöffnet:

Montag, 02.9.2024:

  • Büro Hochschulstraße 50: 10:00-19:00
  • Büro Wundtstraße 5: 9:00-16:00 und 19:00-20:00

Dienstag, 03.09.2024:

  • Büro Hochschulstraße 50: 10:00-19:00
  • Büro Wundtstraße 5: 16:00-19:00

Während dieser Zeiten sind wir auch per Telefon unter +49 351 89670993 oder per E-Mail an erreichbar.

May at AG DSN

Alle Mitglieder
Written by Gregor Düster & Jonathan Beyer, 2024-06-17. Permalink 

Just like last month, we'll report a few interesting events that happened to us. In case you missed the last post, you can read it here:

On 7th of May, after a meeting of our "Team Network", people sat down to update the software of our old core router. As you hopefully haven't noticed, no problems occured. Thanks to the fact we've migrated our uplink to the new core routers on March 16th, this've been much more relaxed than it would have before.

Some technical details: the old core router consists of three physical devices, united to to a single logical one. Therefore it's name, "Ianus". Each of the three devices is a FlexFabric 5900 from HPE.

The new routers are a group of three Omniswitch 6900-V72 from Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, they remain seperated logically though.

We didn't only maintain our technical connections but also our social ones. For that purpose we held our "Jahresessen" (annual dinner) on 29th of May. Just like in past years, we've had vivid discussions with people doing research and teaching at TU Dresden, the Studentenwerk, the "Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen der TU Dresden (ZIH)" as well as with companies we are in contact with, e.g. for procurement of network hardware.

Last but not least, an addendum to last months post: as we received reports about issues with the WLAN coverage, we've installed one more wireless access point manufactured by Aruba in five levels of the International Guest House on the 24th of April.

And that's the end of this months post! You're in the mood organising our next Jahresessen or other events? Join our Team Festivities! Take a look at for the next meetings. Any questions left? Write an email to

Ausfall Borsbergstraße 34, Neuberinstraße 15

Borsbergstraße 34 Neuberinstraße 15
Written by Gregor Düster, 2024-06-05. Permalink 

Am 2024-06-03 13:14:57 wurde durch Bauarbeiten das Glasfaserkabel zur Borsbergstraße 34 beschädigt. Dadurch ist der Netzwerkzugang für die Borsbergstraße 34 sowie Neuberinstraße 15 ausgefallen. Letztere ist betroffen, da sie ausschließlich über die Borsbergstraße 34 an das Netzwerk angebunden ist.

Zum Zwecke der Wiederherstellung der Netzwerkanbindung wurde am Montagabend bis in die frühen Morgenstunden des Dienstags eine Funkstrecke zwischen Wundtstraße 3 und Borsbergstraße 34 installiert. Durch einen Konfigurationsfehler konnte die Anbindung allerdings erst in den späten Abendstunden des Dienstags wiederhergestellt werden.

Die Bandbreite hat sich im Vergleich zu vorher bedauerlicherweise stark verringert, wobei die Latenz stark gestiegen ist, wir sowie das Studentenwerk arbeiten intensiv an einer Verbesserung der Situation.

Office hours canceled on May 9th (public holiday)

All members
Written by Jakob Müller, 2024-05-06. Permalink 

The office hours on May 9th, 2024 will be canceled due to the public holiday. There will also be no telephone support during this time.

If you have any problems, you can of course still use our contact form.

As we currently do not have enough volunteers, there are only limited office hours.
Do you want to change that? Then come along to a team meeting of the Office and Support Team (BuS) - or to one of the future office hours. (You don’t need a technical background to help other members…)

April at AG DSN

All members
Written by Gregor Düster, 2024-05-03. Permalink 

What does the AG DSN actually do? Below a few highlights from the past month April.

On April 7th, a few active members met at the NOC, our large office, for Tux sewing. Fabrics were bought the day before. The goal was to manufacture two penguins, a blue and a orange one.

🖼️ The meeting room in the NOC where the sewing took place

🖼️ The blue and the orange Tux on a couch in the NOC

Orange, that's the color of the student network „Selfnet“. On April 13th, it celebrated it's 25th anniversary, five active members of the AG DSN took part. During the event, the orange Tux found a new home.

🖼️ The orange Tux looking out of the train window on it's way to Stuttgart

Last but not least, a bit more technical topic: for internal communication, the AG DSN runs a Mattermost as well as a XMPP server, Prosŏdy. Starting from April 16th, a Coturn joined the Prosŏdy to provide STUN as well as TURN functionality. With these services in place, active members can now initiate audio and video calls via XMPP.

Not mentioned in this post are the numerous unspectecular tasks, being accomplished everyday: answering email tickets, providing support in person, bank imports and many more.

Want to contribute to the student network yourself? Visit us at one of our team meetings! In case you have questions, reach out to us via email to

WLAN at Partyraum Wundtstraße 7

Written by Emilio Leuoth, 2024-01-15. Permalink 

agdsn-WLAN is now available at Partyraum Wundtstraße 7.

Have fun partying, your AG DSN!

Sprechzeiten über Weihnachten und Neujahr

Written by Markus Helbig, 2023-12-13. Permalink 

Über die Feiertage zum Jahreswechsel sind wir für euch weiterhin über unser Ticketsystem und unseren Mailsupport unter erreichbar.

Persönlich in unseren Büros und telefonisch (0351 89670993) stehen wir euch bis inklusive 18.12.2023 und im neuen Jahr ab dem 4.1.2024 zur Verfügung.

Ein Frohes Fest und einen Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr wünscht euch eure AG DSN!