Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


Updates and Outages

Gret-Palucca-Straße Neuberinstraße Hochschulstraße
Written by Gerrit, 2018-01-14. Permalink 

Due to the recent security issuese named "Meltdown" and "Spectre" we had to install last week multiple Updates to fix our systems. While updating we ran into a few issues wich lead to a few small network outages.

On Monday a service didn't restored properly after a system restart so the connectivity at Hochschulstraße was limited to those who connected their computer or router prior to the reboot.

In the evening a unexpected reboot of one of our servers in a critical moment lead to outage of Gret-Palucca-Straße and Neuberinstraße due to a routing issue.

Please excuse the inconvenience.