Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


Invitation to General Assembly

All members
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2018-04-04. Permalink 

On the 18th of April 2018 at 7pm a general assembly of the AG DSN will take place at our NOC on Räcknitzhöhe 35.

Topics of the meeting will be:

  • Discharge and election of the executive board
  • Passing a supplementary budget for 2018
  • Changes to our constitution and regulations.

All details and the agenda can be found in the invitation (in German).

Load tests of our infrastructure

All members
Written by Florian Lamprecht, 2018-04-04. Permalink 

On the 8th of April from 12am to 8pm the performance of network and server resources might degrade.

Reason is the load test of some components, needed for future WiFi deployment.