Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


Confirmation of new constitution

All members
Written by Friedrich Zahn, 2018-06-15. Permalink 

During the last general assembly we changed our constitution. On the 17th of May the Students' Council of TU Dresden accepted our changes, the minutes of that meeting will get linked here as soon as they are published.

The main changes were the removal of an inactive rule regarding voting remotely via telecommunication, and we removed the strict limit on our activities to the area of Dresden, so that we can now help the students in Tharandt and beyond as well.

Wartungsarbeiten in der Hochschulstraße

Written by Richard Mörbitz, 2018-06-13. Permalink 

Aufgrund von Firmwareaktualisierungen auf unseren Netzwerkkomponenten wird es am 16. Juni zwischen 10 und 14 Uhr zu kurzen Unterbrechungen der Internetverbindungen kommen.

Wir bemühen uns, diese so kurz wie möglich zu halten und entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten.

Lightning Strike Neuberinstraße

Written by Felix Kluge, 2018-06-11. Permalink 

Due to a lightning strike on 10th of june 2018 our network equipment at Neuberinstraße got heavily damaged. We try to replace all affected devices as soon as possible. Sadly the devices have to be replaced before a network connection is possible again.

Update 2018-06-18: Over the last week we replaced the affected hardware, since Saturday your connections are reenabled. Please make sure to use the updated settings! IP-addresses have to be acquired dynamically via DHCP, the old static configurations do not work anymore.