Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


Anstehender Netzausfall in der Wundtstraße 5

Wundtstraße 5
Written by Marcel Beyer, 2018-12-18. Permalink 

Am Samstag und Sonntag, den 5. und 6. Januar 2019 werden wir in der Wundtstraße 5 einen Datenschrank austauschen.

Dabei wird es ab ca. 10:00 Uhr Vormittags zu Ausfällen der Netzwerkanbindung in den Etagen 1 bis 5 kommen.

Solltet ihr am Montag noch Probleme feststellen, dann meldet euch bitte über unser Kontaktformular.

No office hours over the holiday break

All student houses
Written by Gerrit Hinz, Vincent Knyrim, 2018-12-13. Permalink 

Beginning with the 2018-12-21 there will be no office hours until 2019-01-06. The AG DSN takes a break for the holidays.

If there are emergencies, you can still contact us via email. You find the contact form over here.

The AG DSN wishes you merry holidays and a happy new year. We look forward to the next successful year with you.

Upcoming network outage at Budapester Straße

Budapester Straße
Written by Jakob Müller, 2018-11-25. Permalink 

On Sunday, 2018-12-02, we will renew the network cabling in the dormitories Budapester Straße 22 & 24.

This will cause network outages starting at around 10 a.m.

If you still experience problems the next day, please use our contact form to notify us.

Update (2018-12-04 13:45): Occasionally, it still came to failures today, but these should now be resolved.